Major Time Periods Unit One – 2000bc – 1620ad Unit Two – 1620 – 1800 Includes Native American Traditions Unit Two – 1620 – 1800 The Puritan Tradition, Revolution Unit Three - 1800-1855 Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Individualism Unit Four – 1850 – 1900 Slavery and the Civil War Unit Five – 1855 – 1925 Women’s Voices in changing America Unit Six – 1910 – 1940 Harlem Renaissance, Modernism Unit Seven – 1940 - Present World War II, Post-War
Unit One – Native American Traditions 2000bc – 1620ad Belonged to more than 200 distinct groups who spoke more than 500 different languages Had complex religious beliefs, sophisticated political systems, and strong social values Native American literature was mostly passed down orally from generation to generation by storytelling Literature included: 1. Myths – explained beginning of the world 2. Tales – heroes and tricksters who transformed the world into its present state 3. Songs – ritual music used in ceremonies
Literature emphasizes: Importance of living in harmony with the natural world Human beings have a kinship with animals, plants, the land, heavenly bodies, and the elements The human and non-human are seen as parts of a sacred whole (humans are a part of nature) Terms to Know: Creation Myth – explains how the universe, earth, and life began Folk Tales – stories handed down, usually orally, from generation to generation Trickster Tales – folk tales that feature an animal or human character who engages in deceit, violence, and magic
Unit Two – Puritanism 1620-1800 What was going on in America at this time? 1630 – Puritans establish Massachusetts Bay Colony 1755 – Begin of Revolutionary War 1789 – George Washington Elected 1791 – Bill of Rights added to Constitution Puritan Beliefs Key to Puritan heart and soul is religious belief “Human beings are inherently evil and so must struggle to overcome their sinful nature.” “Personal salvation depends solely on the grace of God, not an individual effort.” “The Bible if the supreme authority on earth.”
Good Characteristics of Puritans They valued family life, community service, art, and literature. 2. They were the first in the colonies to establish a printing press, free public grammar school, and a college (Harvard). Bad Characteristics of Puritans They were arrogant in their faith, intolerant of others. 2. Those that stayed in England had their King overthrown and beheaded.
Unit Three – Transcendentalism & Romanticism 1800-1855 Enlightenment and Rationalism (Late 1700s) Universe governed by few simple laws, not an angry God As humans, we experience things through senses Men are created equal with certain rights Humans are naturally good and can improve themselves Romanticism (After War of 1812) Emotions and feelings Spontaneity of expression Mystical link to God Interested in past history
Transcendentalism Generation of well educated people who lived in the decades before the American Civil War 2. Created literature, essays, novels, philosophy, poetry, and other writing that were different from anything from England, France, Germany, or any other European nation 3. Became involved in social reform movements, especially anti-slavery and women's rights 4. Saw little need for organized religion 5. Had a great connection with universe and nature Unit Three – Transcendentalism & Romanticism 1800-1855
Unit Four – Conflict and Expansion 1850-1900 “We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not mean the same thing.” - Abe Lincoln What was going on in America at this time? 1863 – Abe Lincoln delivers Gettysburg Address 1865 – Civil War ends; 13th Amendment abolishes slavery 1893 – Henry Ford develops gasoline-powered automobile Generated much literature by African American authors such as Frederick Douglass and Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Authors we’ll read: Ambrose Bierce Charlotte Perkins Gilman Frederick Douglass
Changing the Face of America (1855 – 1925) Unit Five Changing the Face of America (1855 – 1925) What was going on in America at this time? 1876 – Alexander Graham Bell invents telephone 1879 – Edison invents light bulb 1885 – Karl Benz of Germany builds single-cylinder engine for motor car 1912 – Titanic sinks 1920 – US passes 19th Amendment – allowing women to vote
Unit Seven – War Abroad & Conflict at Home 1940 – 1990s What was happening in the US at this time? 1941 – Japan bombs Pearl Harbor 1954 – Schools are no longer segregated 1963 - JFK assassinated 1969 – Land on moon 1991 – Gulf War begins