INCLUSION – A LONG JOURNEY Survey on the iclusion of disabled people in society and work in Italy and in our province by LICEO SCIENTIFICO TREBISACCE (CS)
Current Legislation: Law 68/1999 Employment of disabled people is governed by law n. 68 of March 1999. This Law abandons the welfare philosophy of the previous ones by providing a disability placement that respects the worker’s labour potential and places and integrates them inside the company that assumes them. A specific technical committee formed by experts in social and medical sector designs an individualized and detailed program for each person enrolled in placement list. Committees evaluate the real skills and provide a guidance plan for disabled workers
social-job inclusion The Law, in order to support social and labour inclusion through a simplification of existing procedure, was modified by the Legislative Decree n. 151/2015, with the introduction of new guidelines.
In details, the principles which inspire the guidelines are: - The promotion of an integrated network with social, health, educational services, as well as with INAIL (National Institute for Workplace Accidents) to support the person with special needs during the inclusion process. The promotion of territorial agreements, such as trade unions and employers’ associations, associations of people with special needs and the third sector organizations working in the field. - Analysis of the features of jobs and directions on how to match the applicants. - Customized projects for people with disabilities, solving problems related to the working conditions of people with special needs and the pursuit of good practices of labour inclusion.
People with disabilities seeking employment have to follow a very precise procedure linked in the Article 8 of Law No 68/1999. They must sign up to the classified categories of Centres for Territorial Employment by submitting documentation supporting identity, vocational training and disability status. The workers must write down on a specific sheet the skills, competences and attitudes. After that, the worker with special needs is included in an appropriate list. The list and ranking are public and are formed by applying the criteria of Law 68/1999.
Then the competent Offices will start the crossing between demand and supply. People with special needs are placed into the most appropriate job through adequate analyses, forms of support, positive actions and problem solving.
People becoming invalid while working cannot be considered invalid. Those entitled are: • Working people with physical, psychic or sensorial disabilities and intellectual disabilities, with an invalidity recognition greater than 45%. • Working disabled people with an invalidity superior to 37%, non-seeing people, deaf or dumb and the invalid people into war. The subjects forced to employ people with disabilities are: • Public entities. • Trade unions and no-profit organizations. • Political parties. • Companies and private entities. People becoming invalid while working cannot be considered invalid.
Disabled people in Italy According to Istat (Central Statistical Institute) there are three million disabled people living in Italy, a figure representing 5% of the population. Two disabled people out of three (66.2%) are women: there are 1 million 700 thousand, that is 6.1% of the total of Italian women. Among men, the percentage is 3.3% of the total, almost halved as compared to women. Disability rates of men and women begin to diverge with the advancement of age.
Support Structures for People with Disabilities This is largely (83%) of elderly people who are not self-sufficient, while 6% are adults with mental disabilities and another 6% adults with multiple disabilities. At absolute values there are 190 thousand who live in the facilities. Older not self-reliant women are 64% of people living in an institution.
Disabled and family 93% of Italians with disabilities live in the family: of these, 27% live in couples without children, 10% in couples with children, while 43% remain with the family of origin. In absolute values, disabled people living in the family are two million and 600 thousand, accounting for 4.8% of the Italian population. Men with disabilities (60%) are living with the partner, while the percentage falls to 26% in the case of women.
Disabled People and employment in Italy. It is very difficult to integrate disabled people into the labour market, where only 3.5% of Italians with disabilities arrive; unemployed disabled people who are looking for a job are very few, only 0.9%. 66% are out of the labour market, because retired (43.9%), or unable to work (21.8%). In the workplace people with disabilities are predominantly men (6.82%), while the employment rate drops to 1.82% for disabled women. The main source of income for people with disabilities is the pension (85%).
Province of Cosenza Employment data for disabled people. Total number of applicants in the Province of Cosenza as for 31 December 2016: 11.460 The above data contain legally disabled people, disabled people, disabled people due to work accidents, deaf and dumb people, war invalids and civilian war invalids Figures of start ups at work during the last five years: year 2013: 72 year 2014: 73 year 2015: 95 year 2016: 66 01/01/2017 – 02/10/2017: 66. These data contain hirings made by firms using the service of the Department for Equal Opportunities - Social and Labour Policies - Active Labour Policy Service - Province of Cosenza. There are no data concerning possible hirings made directly by firms which did non require the service of targeted placement. Main employment sectors: trade and services.