ASER PAKISTAN 2011 ASER- Annual Status of Education report is a survey of the quality of education. ASER seeks to fill a gap in educational data by looking to provide a reliable set of data at the national level, that is comprehensive and at the same time, easy to understand. ASER is a citizen led survey and it is conducted with the help of Govt., Civil Society Organizations and some other stakeholders working in education sector.
ASER PAKISTAN 2011 To get reliable estimates of the status of children’s schooling and basic learning (reading and arithmetic level) at the district level. To measure the change in these basic learning and school statistics from last year. To interpret these results and use them to affect policy decisions at various level.
FOCUS OF ASER How well our children learn? What are the competencies of our children in Urdu, English & Math? The test conducted for the said assessment are up to class II & III level designed from their textbooks.
Scale of Survey Coverage : Across Pakistan Phase I : Year I 2010 – 32 districts across Pakistan Phase II: Year II 2011 – 85 districts across Pakistan (84 Rural + 3 Urban /2 overlap with rural districts) Sindh: 17 districts in 2011 compared to 6 Districts in 2010 Sample: 600 households per district. Two-stage stratified sample; 30 Villages 20 Households per village 60 Schools per district 2 Schools per village (1 Govt. & 1 Private school)
17 Districts Surveyed in Sindh
ASER Kashmore
What are our children doing? Access What are our children doing?
Enrollment in Kashmore Enrollment of Kashmore is ranked last out of all districts surveyed in Sindh. 45% of children are not enrolled at any Type of School
Enrollment Ghotki 28.2 7 Sukkhar 33.0 10 Shikarpur 38.0 14 Kashmore DISTRICT % OF OUT OF SCHOOL CHILDREN RANK Ghotki 28.2 7 Sukkhar 33.0 10 Shikarpur 38.0 14 Kashmore 43.2 17 Every 2nd child in Kashmore is not in school!
Pre-school Enrollment in Kashmore Almost 75% of children are not enrolled at any Type of Pre-School
What are children learning in Kashmore schools? Quality Education ? What are children learning in Kashmore schools?
LEARNING LEVEL - URDU More than 70% Children in class 5 cannot read story (text of class 2) . In other words, 70% children are 3 classes behind with respect to their competency level
LEARNING LEVEL – URDU/SINDHI 89% children in Kashmore cannot read Class 2 Urdu text (5-16 years) DISTRICT % Children who can read URDU/Sindhi Stories (5-16 Years) RANK Ghotki 19.5 7 Shikarpur 13.5 13 Sukkhar 12.4 14 Kashmore 11.3 15
ENGLISH 89% Children in class 5 cannot read sentences (text of class 2) . In other words, 89 % children are 3 classes behind with respect to their competency level
ENGLISH 94% children in Kashmore cannot read class 2 English text DISTRICT % Children who can read English sentences (5-16 Years) RANK Ghotki 12.6 10 Shikarpur 9.6 12 Sukkhar 9.5 13 Kashmore 6.4 15
MATH 81% Children in class 5 cannot do division (3 digits by 1 digit) . In other words, 81% children are 2 classes behind with respect to their competency level in math
MATH 93% children in Kashmore cannot do 3 digits division DISTRICT % Children who can do 3 Digits Division (5-16 Years) RANK Ghotki 12.8 10 Shikarpur 9.9 13 Sukkhar 8.8 14 Kashmore 6.9 17
LEARNING LEVELS - PUBLIC SCHOOLS 28.7% of class 5 students in Public Schools can read story in Urdu/Sindhi. 11.5% of Class 5 students in can read sentences in English. Totally 19,2% of Class 5 students in Public can do 3 digits division. Note: We don’t have sufficient data for this district regarding private schools, should we delete this slide????
Private Supplementary Tuition? 8.2 % Children from Public and 73.5% Children from Private Schools are attending Paid Tuition.
RANKING OF DISTT. KASHMORE amongst districts of Sindh Sr. No. Indicator % Rank 1 Out of School Children 45.2 17 2 Urdu/Sindhi Readings 11.3 15 3 English Readings 6.4 16 4 Math 6.9
What are children learning in Kashmore schools? In Kashmore, when compared to all the districts of Sindh, the learning levels are extremely poor in Urdu, English and Math Kashmore comes in the BOTTOM THREE in learning levels in these subjects
Mother’s Literacy An important factor that influences learning levels Only 11.6 % Mothers are literate in Kashmore 8 out of 10 Mothers in Kashmore are illiterate
How far have we come on RTE compliance? Article 25 - A “The state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be determined by Law”
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