Logical vs Illogical Arguments
Logical Arguments
Personal Experience writer shares his/her personal experiences convinces the reader of credibility (ethos) must prove that the personal experiences of the writer show an understanding of the topic
Comparison compares the topic to similar situations to serve as a model must prove that the connection between the two topics are valid
Factual Evidence many facts and examples that can be proven and verified are provided to support the argument. writer needs to check that the facts are accurate and sufficient enough to be convincing.
Refute the Opposition writer recognizes and responds to the points made by those with opposite views. must make sure that they thoroughly address the opposition’s major arguments, not just the ones that are easy to refute.
Authority Support writer uses evidence that is supported by the authority of a person respected in the field and had the education, training, and experience to voice an opinion on the topic.
Illogical Arguments
Hasty Generalizations what does hasty mean? reasoning is based on insufficient evidence reasoning may only be based on personal opinions or something heard from another person reasoning needs to have universal application
Inaccurate cause and effect connections assumptions are made that two unrelated events are the connected to one another just because Event 1 happened before Event 2, does not mean that Event 1 was the cause of Event 2.
Attacking an individual instead of the issues opponent is attacked with: Name calling Ruining a person’s reputation.
Facts about an issue are ignored or hidden. Suppressing Evidence Facts about an issue are ignored or hidden.
Logical or Illogical Argument Activity Directions: Examine the validity of the following arguments. Decide whether argument is logical or illogical. If it is logical, decide which characteristic of logical reasoning it reflects. If any argument is illogical, decide which characteristic of illogical reasoning it reflects Once your answer has been approved by a teacher, write it down as an example on your note taking sheets. Pass these on to the next table when I tell you to switch.