Insane Ireland By Noah Haubner
Basic Ireland The capital of Ireland is Dublin Ireland has three different water tributes The River Shannon is the longest river at a staggering 386km long Dublin is also the most populated city This is the River Shannon This is Ireland’s capital
Geography Ireland is over 27 thousand square miles Ireland is actually 2 countries North Ireland and Ireland Ireland is Bigger than the state of West Virginia Has many rugged coastal hills Has low mountains Numerous lakes and Boggs The coldest temperature in Ireland was 30°F
History In the 1840s Ireland was devastated by a huge potato famine Natives in Ireland say that St. Patrick came to Ireland in hopes of bringing faith and Christianity In 1949, Ireland withdrew from the Commonwealth and declared itself completely independent
Living Standards Ireland has very low living standards compared to the USA Their poverty rate is 5.5% Their unemployment rate is 14.6% And the have a budget surplus (+) or deficit(-) of - 8.5%
Irelands Unemployment rate over time This is from 1993 to 2008
Irelands Poverty rate over time This is the number of people in poverty and the poverty rate.
Irelands Government The current ruler of Ireland is Michel D. Higgins Ireland has a Parliamentary Democracy Republic This is Ireland’s current president Michel D. Higgins.
Ireland’s Industries Industries in Ireland are usually big They make chemicals Computer hardware ( flash drives and/or desktop windows) The also make and manufacture medical devices
Exports Irelands export costs are over 113.6 billion dollars Most of their exports consist of food products(raw meat or fish) They also export computer technology(such as flash drives and mass storage laptops) Also they export lots of chemicals
Export Partners USA 22.3% United Kingdom 16.19% Belgium 15.5%
Imports Ireland’s imports cost is 63.1 billion dollars Ireland imports many things too like petroleum and petroleum products They also import lots of chemicals
Import Partners Netherlands 5.8A% Germany 7.8% United Kingdom 39.8%
People and Society The official language is English (some speak Irish) Their population is4,722,028 people Their birth rate is about 16 births Their death rate is about 6.40 deaths The life expectancy for a male is 72 years The life expectancy for a female is 82 years
Culture and Religion The main religion of Ireland is Roman Catholic Irelands customs also include many sports mainly soccer and rugby Soccer is a huge part of Irelands culture They also have potato farms
St. Patrick This is St. Patrick he came to Ireland in the 1500s brining hope and Christianity to the people in Ireland. Today we celebrate 1 day every year to honor his beliefs and kindness.