Regulatory Burdens for Businesses Dutch programme 2007-2011 Regulatory Reform Group
Principles of the approach (White Paper 2007) Problem-oriented Measurable targets where possible External watchdog Link to budget cycle New interministerial organisation Political owners: Finance & Economic Affairs
1) Problem-oriented approach Rolling programme: update every 6 months Direct suggestions / complaints business sector Problem-oriented joint committees New measurement results
2) Measurable targets Transparency, accountability and progress monitoring Measurable targets for AB: new net target of – 25% Inspections: -25% on measured domains Compliance costs: quantitative targets on selected topics
3) External watchdog External evaluation of ACTAL (02/07) Cabinet position to Parliament (07/07) Main conclusions: Prolongued until 2011 AB role: unchanged Advisory role to Government: strengthened IA role: introduced (‘audit’)
4) Link to budget cycle The mechanism is unchanged Now used for the whole programme It means: Generating monitoring info periodically Budget negotiations for regulatory topics Reporting to Parliament (Fall, Spring)
5/6) A new organisation Regulatory Reform Group, merger of: IPAL (Finance) 3 project groups of Economic Affairs (IA unit, Permits, Contradictory Legislation) Accountable to two Secretaries of State Started in Fall 2007 Located at Ministry of Finance