What regulation governs the entitlement for Incentive Pay? DoDFMR Vol 4A DoDFMR Vol 5A DoDFMR Vol 7A (DoDFMR 7A) DoDFMR Vol 7B 2. Incentive pays are compensation a Soldier receives for Hazardous duty. Soldiers who perform more than one type of Hazardous duty are only authorized receipt of one type of payment for the same period. A. True B. False (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide # 24) 3. Identify the two categories of Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP) for Flying Duty. Rated crew chief & Non-rated crew chief Rated crew member & Non-rated crew member Flight status crew & Non-flight status crew Crew member & Non-crew member (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide #25) 4. What are the differences of payment between the two categories of Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP) for Flying Duty? A. Flat rate of $150 & based upon pay grade (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide #25) B. Each category is paid at the same rate C. Monthly rate of $100 & based upon pay grade D. Flat rate of $150 & Flat rate of $115 What decision Logic Table (DLT) do you use to determine jump requirements for a Soldier authorized Parachute Duty Pay? Table 24-2 Table 24-3 Table 24-4 (DoDFMR Vol 7A, Chapter 24) Table 24-5 Situation: CPL Benjamin has just completed his first jump at his new duty station. CPL Benjamin turned in his HDIP orders, jump log, and airborne completion certificate to start his parachute duty pay. What is the Format Identifier (FID) used to process this transaction? 1501 (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide #35) 1001 0901 1201 AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 1
Current month, two preceding months 7. When a jump is performed in any calendar month, a member qualifies for parachute duty pay for what calendar months? Current month, two preceding months Current month, two succeeding months Current month, preceding month, succeeding month All the above (DoDFMR Vol 7A, DLT 24-4, Rule 1) If a member is unable to perform a jump by reason of being engaged in combat operations, then the minimum jump requirements may be waived by whom? Commanding general of theater operations The first CSM in the member’s NCO Support Channel The member’s commanding officer (DoDFMR Vol 7A, DLT 24-4, Rule 4) The minimum jump requirements cannot be waived What is the monthly rate a High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) parachutist qualifies under? $150 $225 (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide 33) $150 with a $25 incentive for multiple jumps per month Receives the same rate as parachute duty pay 10. What are the qualifications to be eligible for payment of Demolition Duty Pay? Work with explosives once every three months Duty involves recovering inert explosives for future usage Primary duty involves the demolition of explosives (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide #38) Primary duty involves transporting inert explosives 11. What is the Format ID (FID) and monthly rate for Demolition Duty Pay? 1001 & $225 per month 1201 & $150 per month 1501 & $225 per month 1001 & $150 per month (Lesson Plan Notes, Slide #38) 12. Situation: SFC David requested a three month audit of his Demolition Duty Pay from his local Finance Office. SFC David requested the period of 10 DEC ** through 28 FEB **. Charged with performing the audit, PFC Mizraim continuously calculated a number greater than what was paid to SFC David and could not figure out why. What is a solution to PFC Mizraim’s problem? To know that this pay is prorated (DoDFMR Vol 7A, 240501 A) Not one, SFC David was underpaid SFC David is the one with the problem PFC Mizraim should let his NCO handle it AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 2
PROBLEM #13 3 1502 Stop - AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 111223333 OBAMA **0899 FI AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 3
PROBLEM #14 4 111113647 FRYMA **0701 FI AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 3 – Non rated officer crew member / HDIP for Officers FI AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 4
PROBLEM #15 5 111113736 HAIRS **0821 FI AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 2 – Non crew member / HDIP for officers and enlisted FI AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 5
PROBLEM # 16 **0817 2 - HALO AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 6
PROBLEM # 17 **0810 AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 7
PROBLEM # 18 111113360 FRASC **0712 2 – Performance requirements Not Met 1 – Crew member / ACIP for Officers. ; ACIP for Enlisted FI AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 8
PROBLEM # 19 **0806 AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 9
PROBLEM # 20 **0807 AAA6B103 – PE 2 Answer Key 10