Stop Wearing Animal’s Skin Clothing Animal Rights Stop Wearing Animal’s Skin Clothing * Source : ”
Content I. Introduction Background Purpose II. Animal Rights Definition Data III. Animal’s Skin Clothing Video Record Solution IV. Conclusion
Introduction : Background and Purpose ※ Do you have a pet? ▪ Background - Each year, billions of animals are killed for their skin or fur such as cows, pigs, sheep, goats, alligators, snakes, raccoons, minks, foxes, chinchillas, rabbits, beavers, hamsters and in some Asian countries, even dogs and cats. - How would you like to be killed so someone can looking good? ▪ Purpose - Human has been using animals for their clothing. - This needs to be stopped immediately. - Animals do have feelings, and they do feel the pain. - They also have a right. * Source : ”
Animal Rights Definition ※ What is animal rights? ▪ People should think about the animal rights. - All humans have same rights and humans are equal; however, animals can’t say that they have rights and they are equal. ▪ The Princeton University professor, Peter Singer(1979; 1990) ⇒ “the basic principle of equality does not require equal or identical treatment; it requires equal consideration. This is an important distinction when talking about animal rights. …… Animals surely deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation.”
Animal Rights Data ※ Figure 1. Squirrel in trap ※ Table 1. Fur Statistics Source: EU Council. (1991), from hppt:// fur/fur.shtml ※ Figure 1. Squirrel in trap Source: Number of animals used for fur world-wide Farmed world-wide 27,790,000 Farmed Mink 24,100,000 Farmed Fox 3,400,000 Farmed Polecat 100,000 Farmed Raccoon Dog 90,000 Other: Chinchilla, Coypu, etc. 100,000 (est.) Trapped world-wide 7,559,303 Trapped US 2,500,000 Trapped Canada 1,059,303 Trapped Russia 4,000,000 Trapped elsewhere 1,000,000 (est.)
Animal’s Skin Clothing Data ※ Whose skin are you in? *sources:
Animal’s Skin Clothing Solution ※ Demos or Campaign Source: Fur give away to homeless
Conclusion ※ Humans have been using animals for their clothing. This needs to be stopped immediately because Animals have a rights Animals can feel pain as like human ※ Humans should stop buying leather and fur clothing.
* Source: Thank you * Source: