Specialized Learning Resource Review or Resource Builder Earl K. Darby AET/508 October 11, 2014 Professor Andrea Adins
Study abroad #umustudyabroad 29 foreign countries 50 universities 29 foreign countries Summer, semester, or full academic year Acquire invaluable academic skills Includes field studies & internship programs “The University of Mount Union is dedicated to providing opportunities for students to thrive in new cultural and academic settings, which is why every year staff and faculty work together to send UMU students abroad. Students participate in a variety of approved programs at nearly 50 different universities in 29 foreign countries for a summer, semester, or full academic year.” Retrieved from http://www.mountunion.edu/getting-started #umustudyabroad
Target market #umustudyabroad Seeking global challenge Future Students Step outside “comfort zone” UMU athletes abroad Desiring global education The target market includes students and future students who want to challenge themselves personally and academically. In other words, students who are willing to step outside of the comfort zone to lean about new cultures and play sports overseas as student athletes. #umustudyabroad
Meeting needs #umustudyabroad Become culturally competent Expand understanding of self Expand understanding of the world Learn to adapt to new environment Develop both personally & professionally Interact with people of other cultures Make yourself highly marketable “There are several benefits of studying abroad while at Mount Union. First, you will learn how to adapt to a new environment, a skill that will help you both personally and professionally. Additionally, since study abroad allows you to step outside of your “comfort zone” by interacting with people from other cultures, you will make yourself highly marketable to employers because you will become a culturally competent individual. Most importantly, you will expand your understanding of yourself and the world.” Retrieved from http://www.mountunion.edu/getting-started #umustudyabroad
Sea|mester Study Abroad 40+ years of educational travel Combining hands-on, formal education, & cooperative living & adventure travel Igniting leadership skills Experience matters Passion for sailing “For over 40 years, we've consistently delivered outstanding educational experiences for young adults. By combining hands-on education, formal academics with cooperative living and adventure travel throughout the world, we have successfully ignited the inherent leadership skills within thousands of students. This is what we do, yet what really sets us apart is how we do it and the results that we achieve. To understand who we are and what drives us, you need to dig a little deeper into the sum of our parts... So this section is dedicated to us, and why we think the Sea|mester experience is pretty incredible. - See more at: http://www.seamester.com/meet-seamester/#sthash.ycUXkiHn.dpuf” Retrieved from http://www.seamester.com/meet-seamester/ Sea|mester Study Abroad
Sea|mester Target Market Students from a variety of majors Co-ed Pre-matriculate students Students from the United States, Europe, Canada, and Asia No experience necessary “Students join us from all levels of the university system and from a wide variety of majors. Our crews are co-ed and are comprised of pre-matriculate students all the way up through juniors and seniors. Typically, crews in the past have been in the 17-23 age group. While most of our students come from the United States, we often have representatives from Europe, Canada, South America and even Asia on the crew. - See more at: http://www.seamester.com/essentials/faqs/#sthash.eNX9ldhF.dpuf” Retrieved from http://www.seamester.com/essentials/faqs/
Sea|mester Target Market Needs Academic Hours SCUBA Certification Divemaster Certification Sea voyages Sailing Certification “We are learning from everything we do aboard but you can expect an average of 10 to 12 hours a week to be dedicated to "lecture" time for the courses we teach on the 80+ day programs and 6-8 hours a week during 40-day voyages. Our 20-day voyages are focused solely on Basic Seamanship and thus require about 3-4 hours a week of formal meeting time with the rest of the learning being done underway. Students who join us on all but the 20-day voyages can expect to earn the PADI Open Water certification and those on a Caribbean voyage may well achieve their PADI Advanced Open Water certification as well. On the longer voyages, we may also have the ability to do a number of PADI Specialty courses. On our 80+ day voyages, depending on the interest onboard, we have also been able to offer the PADI Rescue Diver course. If you are currently a certified Rescue Diver, are at least 18 yrs of age and are ready to take the next step, you may work towards the PADI Divemaster certification. Occasionally, students select to join Sea|mester for two voyages, thus completing a whole academic year with us. Whether enrolling for a Caribbean and Global voyage or staying aboard S/Y Argo for two consecutive Global Voyages, each experience will be unique due to the diversity of geographical locations, academic courses and, naturally, the team with whom you will be exploring. During the course of all our voyages, students will work towards certifications while taking the Basic Seamanship course. Students will be trained and tested in both the IYT International Crew and IYT Navigation Master certification levels. Achieving the levels of IYT Radio Operator, IYT International Watchkeeper and IYT Master of Yachts 200 Ton Offshore Theory is possible, depending upon the voyage length as well as the academic course selection that a student has made.” Retrieved from http://www.seamester.com/essentials/faqs/
Conclusion Study Abroad programs are accomplished by select students Involves encountering new cultures & Challenges Critically acclaimed & supported by institutions of higher learning Land-based & ocean-going Student athletes can compete abroad
References Clipart retrieved from MSOffice 7 University of Mount Union logo retrieved from http://www.mountunion.edu/getting-started University of South Florida logo retrieved from http://www.seamester.com/essentials/faqs/