Week of 5.9.16
5.9.16 Dual Credit Please continue working on your extended definition. I am here to answer any questions you might have. Your final is due on Friday. Monday we will take our Final Exam.
AP Lang Today, we are going to score some essays! 5.9.16 AP Lang Today, we are going to score some essays! You have access to practice MCQs on nearpod. Tomorrow we will have our final review before your exam!!
Fun Write Finish this sentence: “I would love to jump into a pile of…” 5.10.16 Fun Write Finish this sentence: “I would love to jump into a pile of…” Create a new character for The Lord of the Rings series. Write a brief description of them and how they would change a major event in the story. If you knew it would be published, name someone whose biography you would love to write. You would have full access to their life.
5.10.16 Dual Credit Please continue working on your extended definition. I am here to answer any questions you might have. Your final is due on Friday. Monday we will take our Final Exam.
AP Lang FINAL REVIEW – Strategies Good Luck on your EXAM tomorrow! 5.10.16 AP Lang FINAL REVIEW – Strategies Good Luck on your EXAM tomorrow!
Dual Credit & AP Lang AP - Take Exam DC – In Auditorium until 5.11.16 Dual Credit & AP Lang AP - Take Exam DC – In Auditorium until 5th & 7th – Extended Definition
5.12.16 Fun Write If you were to start a new business right this minute, what would it be? Describe it. Finish this sentence in three alternate and original ways: “When life gives you lemons…” If you could talk to Mother Nature, what would you say? Name something you wish a movie theater would do or sell to enhance your movie-going experience.
5.12.16 Dual Credit We are workshopping your subjective final today. Please, make sure that you answer each of the questions on the hand out. Your final is due Tomorrow!~ Monday we will take our Final Exam.
5.10.16 AP Lang The Great Gatsby!
5.13.16 Fun Write You’ve just been given a limousine for a day. What will you do? Write a weather forecast for your day tomorrow. Finish this sentence: “Life is short…” Create a superhero for Odessa. What would they fight? Describe their appearance, name, and special powers.
Dual Credit Please turn in your Subjective Final 5.13.16 Dual Credit Please turn in your Subjective Final Review for Objective Final
5.10.16 AP Lang The Great Gatsby!