Skeletal Organization 6.0 Identify bones that compose the skeletal system. 6.2 Identifying subdivisions of the skeleton as axial and appendicular skeletons
Axial vs. Appendicular Skeleton Bones of the upper and lower limbs (???) Bones that anchor the limbs to the axial skeleton Axial skeleton =bony and cartilaginous parts that support and protect the organs of the head, neck and trunk
Axial Skeleton: Skull Hyoid bone Vertebral column Thoracic cage Cranium Facial bones Hyoid bone Vertebral column Vertebrae and intervertebral discs Sacrum Coccyx Thoracic cage Ribs Sternum
Appendicular Skeleton Pectoral girdle Scapula Clavicle Purpose??? Upper limbs Humerus – upper arm Radius & ulna – lower arm Carpals – wrist bones Metacarpals – bones of the palm Phalanges – finger bones
Appendicular Skeleton, continued…. 3. Pelvic girdle – made up of 2 coxae (hipbones), plus the sacrum and coccyx 4. Lower limbs Femur – upper leg Tibia & fibula – lower leg Patella – knee cap Tarsals – ankle bones Metatarsals – bones of the feet Phalanges - ???