The Greek World Chapter 9, Section 1 TB 7th Social Studies Mrs. Coldiron
Persia becomes an empire Persia began with an unorganized nomadic people. Under Cyrus the Great and Darius I, Persia became a huge empire.
Becoming an empire Persia was once ruled by a group of people called Medes. Cyrus led a revolt against the Medes Revolt was successful. This victory marked the beginning of the Persian Empire.
Cyrus the Great Conquered must of Southwest Asia. People he conquered were allowed to keep their own customs. Historians call him Cyrus the great because of his great successes. At the time of his death, he ruled the largest empire the world had ever seen.
The Persian army Well organized and loyal The Immortal, 10,000 soldiers, were the heart of the army. Cavalry – soldiers who ride horses. The cavalry would attack the enemy first – weakening them and then the Immortals would attack.
Darius I Darius I killed all of his rivals to gain power. He organized the empire into 20 provinces. Established Satraps (governors) to rule the provinces. Satraps collected taxes, were used as judges, etc. Darius remained king.
Persian Society Darius made many improvements Examples of his improvements include: roads to connect the empires new capital called Persepolis New religion, Zoroastrianism – taught about two forces – good/evil.