Congress Leaders and Powers
Key People in Congress Speaker of the House President of the Senate Presiding officer in the House of Representatives President of the Senate Vice President of the United States President Pro Tempore a high-ranking senator of the majority party who presides over the US Senate in the absence of the vice president. Paul Ryan; Mike Pence; Orrin Hatch;
Key People in Congress Majority Leader Minority Leader Head of the majority party in House Head of the majority party in Senate Minority Leader Head of the minority party in House Head of the minority party in Senate House Majority leader: Kevin McCarthy; House Minority leader: Nancy Pelosi; Senate Majority leader: Mitch McConnel; Senate minority leader: Charles Schumer
People who try to influence Congress Lobbyists People employed to help a special interest group “campaign” Congress to support legislation in their favor Interest Groups private organization whose members share certain views and work to shape public policy
Congressional Powers Expressed powers Implied powers Power of the Purse Power legislatures have over policies because they control the money 16th amendment Power of Congress to levy taxes
Congress and the President Congress counts the electoral college votes for President If no majority found, House chooses a President from the top 3 and the Senate chooses the Vice President from the two candidates 25th Amendment if the Vice President position become vacant, the President selects a new one and the House and Senate must confirm
Removal of a Federal official from office Impeachment House of Representatives can issue a formal accusation of misconduct If a majority vote to impeach a public official, the Senate conducts the trial 2/3 vote of Senate is required for conviction and removal When the trial involved the US President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial
Congress and the President continued Examples: Andrew Johnson in 1868 – House voted to impeach but Senate voted to acquit by 1 vote Richard Nixon in 1974 – House was going to impeach but he resigned first Bill Clinton in 1998 – House voted to impeach but Senate could not obtain the 2/3 majority to convict Perjury of Grand jury testimony and obstruction of justice