Learning Target: I can answer multiple choice questions based on reading comprehension. Do Now: How do you learn best? Do you like to look at pictures? Do you like to listen? Or would you prefer to do something more hands on? Please explain why.
Testing your Learning Style Station Activity You will have FIVE minutes at each station! The goal of each station is to help you to really understand your learning style! Remember, not only will we review what has happened in Lyddie so far, but we will use these reading comprehension strategies to help us answer multiple choice questions! The first step in answering these kinds of questions is to have faith in the knowledge you have – the answer IS GIVEN TO YOU! You just have to find it!
Testing your Learning Style Station Activity In groups of 4 or 5 you will circulate the room and visit each station! There are FOUR stations: Station #1 – Graphic Organizers Station #2 – Answering/developing Questions Station #3 – Visualizing/pictures Station #4 – Charades
5 Ways To Improve Your Success On Multiple Choice Questions Read the question carefully! Circle, highlight or underline key words. Pay special attention to words that narrow response options like principal, primary, major. **This will also help you to identify the skill the question is asking you to perform
Predict an answer BEFORE looking at alternatives. May not apply to all questions . . But try it… you may be less likely to be swayed by an alternative that is incorrect. Even cover it up if you have to!
Answer the questions you know first, and go back to the more difficult ones later.
Eliminate the distractions. Analyze the options as true/false questions. In negatively worded questions (i.e which of the following is NOT . . . ) put a T or F beside each option than select the false statement.
If the first option is a correct one, look at the last option to make sure it is not an “all of the above option” or “none of the above” option. In other words, read to the end . . . all possible answers!
Three Commandments Answer all questions. Don’t be afraid to guess . . . but still put some thought into it. Leave time to check over you answers. #2 – eliminate answers you know are wrong. #3 but don’t change guesses unless you have had a revelation!
Multiple Choice Question Types TYPE QUESTION STRATEGIES TO APPROACH QUESTION Complete the Statement Given an incomplete statement that must be completed with answer. Carefully read the question stem. Eliminate wrong answers immediately Read the question stem with each answer Make sure your answer choice BEST completes the sentence. Which of the Following Choice of answers limited to answer stem only; although others answers could apply which aren’t listed. Carefully read the question stem Insert the answer choices in place of the phrase “ which of the following” Negative Choices “Not”, “Except”, “Least” – These words are often overlooked. Negative choices are used for questions with several GOOD solutions. BUT there is clearly a wrong answer in the choices Underline, circle, or highlight the negative word presented in the stem, so that you will select a correct answer. Think about what choice does not fit Keep in mind that you are looking for a negative choice – one that doesn’t belong.
Summary/Wrap Up Create your own Multiple Choice Question! Try to use one of the types of questions we talked about and give 4 possible answer choices! Use the knowledge you gained about your learning style to help you analyze the text