Avoiding Pitfalls with Better Building Envelope Communication BEC Symposium
Mike McKinnon General Superintendent 35 Yrs in industry, 30 yrs Hoar, 20 years in Houston Superintendent, not a presenter, I'm a builder!! Walk fast, talk fast, and look worried Passionate and Love what I do Like to Teach and Train on how to build
Learning Objective #1 Understanding the benefits of effective communication related to the building envelope Better final product for the end user Timing and coordination of various components goes together better Sequence of work has been planned out thoroughly so everyone has a better job and makes $$ Less warranty calls
Learning Objective #2 Discuss the roles of Architects, General Contractors, Consultants, and Trade Partners related to the building envelope Architect- Good documents GC- Execute / Coordinate the plan Consultants- Provide expert advise, inspections & testing Trade Partners- Understand your work and products
Learning Objective #3 Examine the mishaps that occur when bad or no communication is happening on the jobsite Schedule delays Failed inspections Costly Rework Unhappy end user Warranty issues lawsuits
Learning Objective #4 How to properly develop a plan for better communication when it comes to the building envelope Hire the right Trade Partners Early coordination of shop drawings Full size mockups Exterior Envelope Pre-installation Meetings Dedicated envelope superintendent Require regular site visits from manufacturers Daily job specific inspection checklist Consultant inspections and testing
Summary Communication and Coordination is EVERYTHING Promote TEAM spirit Accountability “Don’t Expect What You Don’t Inspect” Feet on the Ground Be a good coach / teacher…training is essential