„Healthy eating from the start“ A health promotion programme for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children up to 3 years of age 1
Partners Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Federal Ministry of Health Main Association of Austrian Social Security Institutions
Background Children’s food preferences can already be influenced by the mother‘s diet during pregnancy and lactation A well balanced diet and good eating habits are important due to their health-promoting and preventive potentials (throughout the life course) Target-group-specific and environment-oriented measures are needed to reduce the prevalence of nutrition- and lifestyle- associated diseases
Aims Improvement of the dietary habits and the food environment of pregnant and breastfeeding women and children up to the age of 3 years
tailored actions and activities on 3 levels Methods Austrian wide action plan (based on national and international models of good practice and appropriate intervention strategies) providing latest scientific knowledge for the public and experts putting the scientific knowlege into practice in a target-group- specific way exchanging information between national and international projects macro (social and legal regulations) meso (setting, environment and communities) Micro (families and individuals) tailored actions and activities on 3 levels
Examples for implementation Scientific research/publications for experts Publications for the target-groups Workshops 6
Scientific research /publications for experts Systematic review on health effects of cow´s milk consumption in infants up to 3 years of age Evaluation of the labelling of complementary food products Austrian guidelines on complementary feeding - scientifically grounded, quality assured and agreed with experts Currently in progress: development of scientifically grounded and quality assured guidelines on nutrition of 1- to 3-year-old toddlers
Publications for the target-groups (examples) Brochure on complementary feeding intended for parents and other carers, also available in Turkish and Bosnian-Croatian-Serb language Information graphics on infant nutrition in the first year of life
Workshops Workshops on nutrition in pregnancy and lactation and workshops on complementary feeding - implemented successfully Austrian wide Train the trainer programmes (dieticians, nutritionists, doctors, midwifes)
Further information http://www.richtigessenvonanfangan.at/ 10