Methodological studies in the field of Agro-Environmental Indicators Lot 1. Nitrogen and phosphorus excretion factors N P
Manure nitrogen Total amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus in manure in EU-27 are as large as the amounts in mineral fertilisers. Valuable source of organic matter and other nutrients Also large source of pollution of water and air Relevant to various Environmental policies Nitrates Directive & Water Framework Directive National Emission Ceiling Directive & Gothenburg Protocol Large industrial Emissions Directive (IPPC) Climate change mitigation targets
Difference between ‘excretion’ and ‘production’ Excretion = ‘under the tail’ Production = Amount of nitrogen in the manure storage (= excretion – gaseous nitrogen losses during storage); equivalent to “available for application”
Definition of the problem Uncertainties in the estimated total nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in Member States and EU-28, due to Lack of agreed, uniform procedures for the estimation of nitrogen and phosphorus excretion Lack of agreed, uniform procedures for the collection of data and information needed to estimate excretion coefficients
General objective of the project “to bring clarity into the issue of excretion factors so that a recommendation on a single, common methodology to calculate N and P excretion coefficients can be identified. This methodology should be flexible enough to allow local conditions to be taken into account, but without distorting the picture”. October 2012 – March 2014
Specific objectives To create an overview of the different methodologies, and analyse their strengths and weaknesses; To set up a database with excretion factors; To provide guidelines for a coherent methodology; To create default P-excretion factors; To identify the main components of the calculations of excretion factors and the data requirements.
Seven tasks Task 1 Overview of existing excretion factors Task 2 In-depth analyses of selected country reports Task 3 Analyses of the coherence & differences Task 4 Regional representativeness Task 5 Guidelines for a common methodology Task 6 Default P excretion factors Task 7 Expert/ statistician workshop
Process and procedures Desk study and literature review Consultations with experts from Member States Progress and intermediate results reviewed 4 times with Steering Group Reviews by experts
Draft Final Reports are reviewed & available Draft reports are reviewed: Internal review procedures Experts from Member States Co-chairs of Expert Panels of TFEIP and TFRN At circa website On request to authors
Consortium Livestock Research Animal scientists Animal nutritionists Alterra Agronomists Environmental scientists
Suggestions for improvement are welcome!!