Utility of factor X concentrate for the treatment of acquired factor X deficiency in systemic light-chain amyloidosis by Shameem Mahmood, Julie Blundell, Anja Drebes, Philip N. Hawkins, and Ashutosh D. Wechalekar Blood Volume 123(18):2899-2900 May 1, 2014 ©2014 by American Society of Hematology
The graph demonstrates FX levels post infusion of a single dose of 40 IU/kg of high-purity FX concentrate in 2 patients with AL amyloidosis with acquired FX deficiency. The graph demonstrates FX levels post infusion of a single dose of 40 IU/kg of high-purity FX concentrate in 2 patients with AL amyloidosis with acquired FX deficiency. Patient 1 (line with squares) and patient 2 (line with triangles) compared with a reference line constructed from FX levels of 3 patients with hereditary FX deficiency reported by Alvarez et al9 given the same concentrate at a dose of 25 IU/kg (line with circles). Shameem Mahmood et al. Blood 2014;123:2899-2900 ©2014 by American Society of Hematology