François Wakenhut Biodiversity Unit DG Environment European Commission


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Presentation transcript:

François Wakenhut Biodiversity Unit DG Environment European Commission DG ENV contribution to EU mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services François Wakenhut Biodiversity Unit DG Environment European Commission

Focus Tools available in 2011 and beyond to support initiatives related to assessment of ecosystems and services Process to be built based on governance in place Framework to monitor progress in implementing Target 2 at MS and EU level

Tools 2011 Green Infrastructure WG & contracts: - Green Infrastructure Implementation and Efficiency - Design, implementation and cost elements of GI projects - Assessment of ecosystem-based approaches potential to CC adaptation & mitigation in EU - Costs, benefits and climate proofing of natural water retention measures - Integration of nature & biodiversity and land use data

Tools 2011 & beyond BISE/WISE Red lists ecosystems & services related species/habitats Financing needs for implementing T2 EU science-policy interface on biodiversity TEEB follow-up for EU Priorities for restoration of ecosystems and their services in the EU MS mapping of ecosystems and their services in the EU

Process T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 IAS Global Nature Conservation T2 Restoration/ GI T3 Agriculture and Forestry T4 Fisheries T5 IAS T6 Global Strategic co-ordination group for implementation (CGBN) Chair: Commission NATURE DIRECTORS Chair: Pres; Co-chair: Commission Habitats Ctee (B3) Ornis Ctee (B3) WG on Management of N2000 (B3) Natura 2000 seminars (B3) Marine Exp.Grp (B3) … GI EWG (B2) ENEA MA WG on Biodiversity and Cohesion Policy (A3/REGIO) EIA/SEA Expert Grp (A3) Adv. Group on Agriculture & Environment (AGRI) EG on Agriculture & Environment (B1) Standing Forestry Committee (AGRI, B1) MSFD Coord. Group MSFD WG on Good Env Status Marine Exp.Grp (B3)* IAS WGs …. WPIEI Biodiversity Nature Reporting Expert Group (B3) WISE/Water Reporting (D1, EEA) Biodiversity Go4 (B2, B3, EEA, JRC, ESTAT, RTD) DYKE WG (D2) Integrated framework for monitoring, assessing and reporting EMODNET (MARE) Evaluation Network for Rural Development Process Forest Information WG (B1) etc. Ecosystem Assessment? No Net Loss? Restoration Targets?
