R3 – Recruiting, Retaining, Rewarding Excellent Educators for the Success of Every Child, Every Day Pitt County Schools, NC
Purpose By the end of the presentation, participants will: Understand how the components of R3 work together to support teachers and students in Pitt County Schools Identify similar program aspects to empower collaboration between PCS and themselves Provide feedback and suggestions to PCS personnel on program implementation 11/20/2018
Program Overview: Goals Recruit effective teachers to our classrooms Retain effective, experienced teachers in the classroom Decrease teacher turnover by supporting and retaining young teachers Increase the pay and expand the influence of highly effective teachers 11/20/2018
Program Overview: Assumptions Teachers need and desire Autonomy, Purpose, and Mastery (Pink, 2011) Autonomy is achieved by being trusted to make an informed choice to take initiative within a safe, collaborative environment Purpose is found in addressing significant challenges impacting student learning with practical solutions Mastery is developed through collaborative action research, high quality training, and support through coaching 11/20/2018
Program Components Key BT Teacher Leadership Institute Career Pathways and Performance Based Compensation 11/20/2018
How do you all plan to address the disparity in access to qualified teachers in your TIF schools? Teachers leave for many reasons, but in our work with teacher’s we’ve identified two primary ones we believe are important and we can address: Influence and Compensation Hide needs schools get more access to advanced roles that are funded 11/20/2018
Instructional Coaches Advanced Teaching Roles (Career Pathways) Influence Instructional Coaches Advanced Teaching Roles (Career Pathways) Key BT TLI Compensation Beginning Teachers Professional Teachers The primary way we’re looking to bring staff to our neediest schools (and to be fair almost every school is classified as needy) we are implementing a career pathways model to offer advanced teaching roles for teachers – roles that allow them to have increased influence and receive increased compensation as a reward for their work and achievement 11/20/2018
Targeting High-Need Schools 178 teachers in ATR placements through TIF in high-needs schools this year Additional positions are allotted for future years 11/20/2018
Questions & Suggestions Grab an index card On one side write “Questions” and the other side right “Suggestions” Identify some specific questions you may have for this section Identify suggestions for us to: Think about Try People to reach out to (including yourself) So the project can be more successful 11/20/2018
Describe the direct correlations to how the pathways will impact and improve teaching and learning in not only individual classrooms but through collaboration, which will extend effective teachers’ influence to reach multiple classes across the system. 11/20/2018
Facilitating Teachers CT Problem of Practice Student “Reaches” Started @ 25 Students Now indirectly with 100 students Teacher Impact Started with 1 reflective teacher Now a team of reflective teachers learning collaboratively to improve a specific practice FT CT CT
Multi-Classroom Teacher Co-Teacher #1 Student “Reaches” Started @ 25 Students Now directly with 75 students Teacher Impact Directly supporting 3 teachers Collaborative 4 are growing Multi-Classroom Teacher Co-Teacher #3 Co-Teacher #2 11/20/2018
Questions & Suggestions Grab an index card On one side write “Questions” and the other side right “Suggestions” Identify some specific questions you may have for this section Identify suggestions for us to: Think about Try People to reach out to (including yourself) So the project can be more successful 11/20/2018
What local universities are you partnering with and what support and training are they providing? 11/20/2018
Partnerships & Resources University Partnerships East Carolina University Co-Teaching NC State University (Indirect) UNC Chapel Hill (Indirect) Other Training & Support Center for Leadership Studies Situational Leadership Center for Creative Leadership 360-Degree Leadership Assessments Center for Teaching Quality Teacher Leader Competencies Rubric Thinking Collaborative Cognitive Coaching & Adaptive Schools Dale Carnegie & Associates Leadership Training & Consultation Program Evaluator - TBD 11/20/2018
Questions & Suggestions Grab an index card On one side write “Questions” and the other side right “Suggestions” Identify some specific questions you may have for this section Identify suggestions for us to: Think about Try People to reach out to (including yourself) So the project can be more successful 11/20/2018
How are the laws enacted by the state’s governing body, which modifies teacher compensation to focus on including performance based measures in the teacher evaluation system helping and hindering your project? 11/20/2018
State Legislative & Policy Impacts Alignment Class Size Waiver for districts participating in an Advanced Teaching Roles Pilot program (allows for flexibility in designing career pathway roles) 6 Districts in NC are involved in the pilot We are the only district in that pilot and in TIF State is adding (and paying for) performance based bonuses for some teachers (helps sustainability down the road) State has state-wide teacher evaluation rubric and system State has a state-wide student data management system Misalignment Elimination of some state assessments means more teachers will NOT have value-added scores (EVAAS) EVAAS is used to help qualify teachers for ATR positions EVAAS is used as one indicator for performance based pay Cuts to K-16 budgets have reduced the candidate pool for effective teachers (50% increase in the percentage of new hires that are lateral entry teachers since 2014) When we look at state legislative changes and policies we see some that align with our goals and program, thereby making our job easier, and we also are experiencing some that are not aligned and they are creating barriers we need to address. 11/20/2018
Questions & Suggestions Grab an index card On one side write “Questions” and the other side right “Suggestions” Identify some specific questions you may have for this section Identify suggestions for us to: Think about Try People to reach out to (including yourself) So the project can be more successful 11/20/2018
“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough so they don’t want to.” - Sir Richard Branson 11/20/2018