Quiz instructions Put your stuff down in the back and sit down (all you need is a pen/pencil) Take an answer sheet When we begin, you will have 30 sec per station When timer beeps, move over one station. Remain seated except when changing seats You will have the chance to see two stations again at the end If you are more than 10 minutes late you are out of luck
Helpful hints Pay attention to the question that is asked: is it asking for the bone? Part of the bone? The foramen? Type of vertebrae? For bone Parts: If you don’t know the part of the bone, but you think you know the bone, put that and you’ll get half credit. The best answer includes both the part and the bone name (because then if the part is wrong, you still get half credit for the bone name)
Quiz instructions There are 5 stations per row in the front 3 rows and 6 stations in the back row for a total of 21(so there is 1 extra credit points possible) Move as follows (One seat at a time):
Front of room 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 10 15 14 13 12 11 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 Door
Lab #16 Articulations
Articulations Body movement occurs at joints (articulations) where 2 bones connect
Joint Structure Determines direction and distance of movement (range of motion) Joint strength decreases as mobility increases
Functional Classification Table 9–1
Structural Classification Table 9–2
MOVIE Types of synovial joint motion
Classification of Synovial Joints by Shape Gliding Hinge Pivot Ellipsoidal Saddle Ball-and-socket
Lab Work through the rest of lab Lab report due next week