Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-Based approach to Fiction


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Presentation transcript:

Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-Based approach to Fiction Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-Based approach to Fiction Grades 9-12 Leadership

Grades 9-12 Leadership Today’s Sessions Session 1: Writing Text-Dependent Questions Session 2: Shifting the Paradigm: Teaching Nonfiction in the Common Core Session 3: Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-based Approach to Fiction Session 4: ACT, SAT, PARCC and CCSS for Leaders

Grades 9-12 Leadership Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to: Identify common language and describe its function within the curriculum Distinguish between traditional approaches to canonical texts and a CCSS treatment of those texts Use ELA curriculum materials to approach canonical and contemporary texts differently 1 minute

Grades 9-12 Leadership Session Overview Examine the curriculum module’s approach to teaching classic and contemporary texts by: Discussing the common language of the Core Reading and experiencing excerpts from “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” and Romeo and Juliet Experiencing lessons from 9.1 Unit 1 and 9.1 Unit 3 Observe for the Standards and Shifts that occur with this approach 1 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Elevating discourse through a common language Leads to a more academic classroom discussion through a common vocabulary Allows for academic conversation both within the classroom and among classrooms Levels the playing field 1 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Unifying learning through common standards Allows standards to be used as a common focus for texts, lessons, and units Leads to classwork and instruction that is oriented to a focus on standards Levels the playing field by raising expectations for learning 1 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Approaches to Teaching Classic Texts In your table groups, discuss the following: What are the advantages and potential pitfalls of teaching classic texts? How can a teacher’s schema impede a student’s ability to experience a text? 7 min: 5 min discuss 2 min – whole group on the second question about schema → what did you say about impact of the teacher’s shema?

Read Module 9.1.1 Overview (pg 9 - 18), focusing on the following: Grades 9-12 Leadership How the Curriculum Modules Approach Classic & Contemporary Texts Read Module 9.1.1 Overview (pg 9 - 18), focusing on the following: Introduction Module-Specific Assessed/Addressed Standards Unit Assessments In your table groups, discuss the following: How would you describe the difference between assessing and addressing a standard? How does the module approach differ from traditional approaches to teaching classic and contemporary texts? 10 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Approaches to Reading do you do this?... with a masterful and close read! - 2 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Approaches to Reading Masterful Reading Building fluency and confidence through modeling Accessing the text with confidence Understanding the text at a basic level Close Reading Collaborative reading Examining the ideas, structures, and layers of meaning, creating a common and solid understanding 3 min Need notes here

What features make this text complex? Grades 9-12 Leadership “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” by Karen Russell Silently read the excerpt from the beginning of the story (pp. 225-227) What features make this text complex? To what grade would you feel comfortable giving this text? How can we center our approach to a complex text on the learning standards? 8 min to read and reflect on the questions Note – book excerpt handout is separate from participant packet Let’s observe a teacher working with students and this story.

Grades 9-12 Leadership St Lucy’s Home for Girls raised by Wolves On your app, look up these two standards: RL.9-10.1 SL.9-10.1 25 min: 4 minutes to set up the observation and have them look up the standards Pass out IPGs 11 minutes to view the video 10 minutes to discuss evidence of the students demonstrating the standards. What aspects of the lesson design contribute to or prevent full mastery? How would you coach this teacher with the IPG Core Actions analysis?

Grades 9-12 Leadership Assessed Standards RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. The assessed standards: Provide cohesion between the units within a module Are continuously assessed for mastery throughout by students and teachers Are continuously revisited and applied in a variety of ways 3 min We want to call your attention to a feature of the modules. There are “assessed standards” that connect the units and keep you “focused” on what will be assessed.

Grades 9-12 Leadership Standards-Based Assessments How is the standard assessed in the End-Unit Assessment prompts? 2 min Here is an example. Let’s watch the lesson again and identify ways the teacher and the task are preparing the students to meet this standard/

Grades 9-12 Leadership St Lucy’s Home for Girls raised by Wolves RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. 15 min: 11 minutes to view the video again 5 minutes to discuss evidence of the students demonstrating the focus standards. What aspects of the teacher’s instruction and/or lesson design contribute to or prevent full mastery?

Grades 9-12 Leadership Standards-Aligned Class Activities 1) Classroom Discussions 2) Tools 3) Formative Assessments 1 min We’re now going to look at the attention paid to a different set of standards in this module, and how a classroom discussion protocol can develop students to meet SL standards as well as continuing to point them in the direction of mastering the Assessed Standard… all within a different text.

Grades 9-12 Leadership “Writing Floats on a Sea of Talk” 1 min Turn & Talk Turn and Talks: quick conversations with a partner Round Robin: peer discussions with prompts that can be used as preparation for the assessments

Grades 9-12 Leadership Quality Classroom Discussions Factors that affect the quality of discussions: The text Student and teacher preparation The prompt(s) Discussion protocol The level of conversation 2 min 18

Grades 9-12 Leadership Discussion Stems Discussion stems build confidence by providing students with a conversation frame. For the purposes of our discussion today: I think Romeo is/is not fortune’s fool because —— (textual evidence + analysis) I respectfully disagree with you because —— (textual evidence + analysis) I can add to that evidence because the text also says —— (textual evidence + analysis) on pg 32 … 3 min Let’s watch a teacher whose lesson is designed to aim for the Assessed Standard, while using a very different text from within this module.She is using a using the Round Robin protocol for a class discussion. Observe her lesson for the Speaking and Listening Standards. You can use the Rubric on page 30 in your packet to assist you. Also, continue to record evidence for progress toward the Focus Standard: RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Grades 9-12 Leadership Classroom Discussion Model Discussion prompt: In Romeo and Juliet, is Romeo “fortune’s fool”? pre vid then watch video 13 min?

Grades 9-12 Leadership Discussion Model: Round Robin How are the standards embedded into the instruction? How is this approach aligned to the assessed standard? How does this protocol prepare students for writing? post vid - 5 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Standards-Aligned Class Activities Classroom Discussions 2) Tools 3) Formative Assessments Outline- repeat slide before each new activity

Grades 9-12 Leadership “St. Lucy’s” Mid-Unit Outline Tool RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. How does this Outline Tool address the focus standard? How will this Tool help students in responding to both the mid-unit and end-unit prompts? Mid-Unit prompt: Choose one character from St. Lucy’s who adapts to change and one who resists it. Explain the differences in their actions using evidence from the text. End-Unit prompt: Analyze the development of Claudette’s character in relation to the five stages of lycanthropic culture shock. 7 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Standards-Aligned Class Activities Classroom Discussions Tools 3) Formative Assessments If there is still time, you can go into the end- slides on Formative Assessments. Otherwise, note the resources in the module and move to the reflection slide

Grades 9-12 Leadership Reflect and Write What is the gap between where you need to be and where you are? What do you need to lead and support this work? Systems and structures People Resources Who needs to learn what by when? You Leadership team Staff 4-5 minutes

Grades 9-12 Leadership Quick Writes and Exit Tickets Formative assessments that occur at the end of a lesson in order to determine students’ mastery. These assessments are built into the module, but can be adapted and more can be created for your classroom needs For the following examples, ask yourself: What standard is being assessed? How is that standard being assessed? How might a student struggle with the assessment? 5 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Formative Assessment: Quick Write 2 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Formative Assessment Example 2: Adapted Quick Write Discuss adaptation - 2 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Formative Assessment Example 3: Exit Ticket 2 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Ultimately, Formative Assessments Allow... A variety of activities for students to participate in that are all standards-aligned Students the opportunity to refine important writing skills, like making claims and gathering evidence, on a daily basis Technology to be integrated in unique ways Teachers to orient their lessons toward the Standards-Based Mid- and End-Unit Assessments 1 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Unifying Learning Allows for academic conversation both within the classroom and among classrooms Levels the playing field Elevates discourse through a common language Leads to a more academic classroom discussion through a common vocabulary Raises expectations through common standards 1 min

Grades 9-12 Leadership Using the Standards as Lesson Objectives 2 min one thing we heard a lot at 9-12 NTIs is wanting targets/"I can" statements a la EL's. Might be worth speaking to the metacognitive benefits of these

Using the Standards as Unit Objectives Grades 9-12 Leadership Using the Standards as Unit Objectives 1 min