From the Age of Limits to the Age of Reagan Chapter 33
Gerald R. Ford
First action as president: Ford pardons Nixon
Prices continue to rise Ford has a plan
Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromm Sarah Jane Moore Lynette ‘Squeaky’ Fromm
Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter Governor of Georgia Peanut farmer Campaigns as an outsider to Washington
Killer rabbit
Problems for Carter *as “outsider” can get little passed thru Congress *High interest rates to slow economy and inflation – 20% *higher oil prices
Carter’s approval rating at 26% Lower than Nixon’s
“Malaise” Speech Carter gives speech on TV -America has crisis of confidence -dial down thermostat -drive 55mph
Foreign Policy Policy based on Human Rights instead of “selfish interests” *boycotts 1980 Olympics in Moscow to protest USSR invasion of Afghanistan
Camp David Accords Carter has Menachem Begin and Anwar el Sadat come to Camp David to negotiate a treaty
January 1979 the Shah of Iran flees his country Control goes to the Ayatollah Khomeini who sets up an Islamic nation
The Shah comes to the US for medical treatment Days later an armed mob attacks the US embassy and takes US personnel hostage
The hostages stay in Iran for 444 days, being released hours after Carter is no longer President
Rise of the Sunbelt 1970’s saw a demographic shift to the South and Southwest especially Florida, Texas and California Midwest is called Rustbelt
Sagebrush Rebellion *late 1970’s *opposition to environmental laws and restrictions on development *felt West was victim of government control
Religious Revival *Evangelical Christianity *Moral Majority Christian Coalition
The New Right *Richard Viguerie *revival of the Goldwater wing of the Republican party *need of front man
1980 election
Reagan Coalition *corporate/finance *neo-conservatives *religious right *West *Boll weevils
Supply side economic Or Reaganomics Trickle down theory
Keys: *tax cuts *budget cuts *deregulation
Increase in debt 1980 - $901b 1991 - 3.5t *entitlement programs *tax cut *military spending
How to solve: *Can’t cut entitlements *won’t cut military *cut social programs Ketchup is now a vegi vegetable
Foreign Policy *Soviets – ‘The Evil Empire’ *Reagan Doctrine – will help anyone opposed by communism
Election of 1984 Democrats nominate former VP Walter Mondale Geraldine Ferraro nominated as VP
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Strategic Defense Initiative *SDI *Outer space protection against enemy attack
Nicaragua *US supported leader overthrown by socialist group the Sandinistas *US supports Contras
Invasion of Grenada
Changes in Soviet Union Pressure within the Eastern Bloc – Solidarity Afghanistan
1989 Eastern Europe breaks away from USSR 1991 Soviet Union collapses
Reagan at the Wall
Reagan orders air strikes against Libya in retaliation for Khadfi’s support of terrorism Line of Death
Problems: *EPA officials resign-fail to enforce regulations *CIA & Defense officials resign over insider trading
Attorney General Ed Meese resigns over questionable finances Labor Secretary resigns-indicted on Racketeering charges
*Savings & Loan Scandal *Iran/Contra – Arms for Hostages
Election of 1988
George H.W. Bush J. Danforth Quayle
Michael Dukakis
“read my lips, no new taxes” Presidency of H.W. Bush *Panama – Noriega *Poor economy “read my lips, no new taxes” *Operation Desert Storm
8 days
William Jefferson Clinton
Bush Clinton Perot 38% 43% 19% 168 370 0
Problems for Clinton *Whitewater *Travelgate *Monica
Achievements for Clinton *NAFTA *Reduces debt/balances budget *Attempts Health Care *Peace keepers in Serbia & Somalia
Newt Gingrich
Contract for America *Welfare reform *term limits *balance budget amendment *tough crime laws
Social Trends Civil Rights and Great Society: Creates more opportunities Greater sense of despair for those who can’t make it
Opportunities: *350% increase in Black is college (12% of college pop.) *Increase in Black professionals *Rise of Black Middleclass
As successful Blacks move to Burbs, Innercities left with only poor
By 1980’s 33% live in poverty Young Black males: <50% graduate >60% unemployment
Increase in the number of single parent homes 1960 20% 1990 60% 8 Days
Rodney King 32 killed in rioting