Making a Picture Frame
Step 1. Decide whether you are building an 8x10 or 5 by 7 frame. Add 4-5 inches to both the long and short sizes. You’ll need the extra material for the mitered corners. Choose your material, it should be nice lumber 2”-3” wide at least ¾” thick. Show Mr. Gary your material before you make any cuts.
Step 2. Cut a ¼” by ¼” Rabbet on the dado saw. Be sure to use aux Step 2. Cut a ¼” by ¼” Rabbet on the dado saw. Be sure to use aux. fence and a pushstick.
Step 3. Using the table saw sled cut each piece Step 3. Using the table saw sled cut each piece. Be aware of the angle on the end of each piece. Rabbets go on the inside edges.
Step 4. Clamp your frame without using a strap clamp. Show Mr. Gary Step 5. Upon Approval, glue and clamp your frame. Place it in an auxiliary cubby overnight.
Step 6. Use the miter slot jig on the tablesaw. To cut corner splines Step 6. Use the miter slot jig on the tablesaw. To cut corner splines. This requires Mr. Gary the first time.
Step 7. Mill and cut splines for the corners Step 7. Mill and cut splines for the corners. Use glue and tape to hold the project overnight.
Step 8 Cut excess spline material on the bandsaw.
Step 9. Sand all parts of your frame Step 9. Sand all parts of your frame. Cut a back piece made of 1/4" plywood and turn in for a grade.