Talk show Quiz Show Documentary Cartoon News
documentaries interesting
Good and Bad Sides of TV TV can be an excellent educator and entertainer. Young kids are afraid of scary and violent images. If kids watch violent acts, they show aggressive behavior.
Suitable for ages 7 and over. Suitable for ages 13 and over. Contains behaviors that may create a negative example. Suitable for ages 18 and over. Contains elements of violence and horror.
Dinleme metni 17 Matt: Hi, Maria! How’re you? Maria: Hi, Matt. Sorry, I haven’t seen you. I’m a bit sleepy. Matt: Why? Is there a problem? Maria: Oh, no. I watched “The Vampires” last night. It was too late. I couldn’t sleep then but it was incredible. Did you watch it? Matt: No, Maria. I don’t watch TV. Maria: Sorry, I didn’t understand. You don’t watch TV? Are you kidding? Matt: No. I sometimes watch TV. Years ago I was a TV addict. I was always in front of the screen. Then, I had some health problems. I couldn’t sleep, study, go out or eat healthy. Maria: Oh, come on. It must be a joke. Matt: No, Maria. Now, I’m very happy. I’m at the basketball team and I spend more time with my parents and friends. Maria: How do you get information or I mean…… Matt: News? Hahaaa…I use the Net and of course, I watch TV but only for some special programmes, like documentaries, sports, etc. Maria: Well…I’m…
Maria watched “the Vampires”. Matt watches documentaries and sports.