Ideas to Grow Local Programmes Recruitment Ideas to Grow Local Programmes
Recruitment What does your club do to recruit players into its programme? What are the barriers? What can be done to improve your clubs intake of new players? Work out a comprehensive strategy for improving recruitment at your clubs
Recruitment 3 Step Process 1st Step: Recruit 2nd Step: Sample 3rd Step: Set the hook
Recruitment Step 1 Recruiting Word of mouth Attend public skating sessions Display tables at games – from Junior to Elite.
Recruitment Step 1 Recruiting (Cont’d) Flyers to schools, cars at shopping malls, car parked at sports venues, etc Home – school groups Newspaper adverts /yellow pages /receipts from shopping, restaurants, etc.
Recruitment Step 1 Recruiting Local papers, local TV and radio to do stories on the kids in the local hockey programme Kiosk at the local shopping mall
Recruitment Step 2 Sampling Puck shoots Floor hockey at schools, youth clubs Learn to Play programmes Bring a friend day at your club
Recruitment Set the Hook Be organised & prepared Be very positive Keep the LTP short – 6 to 8 weeks Keep time slot consistent
Recruitment Set the Hook Keep cost to a minimum Require minimum equipment Play fun games (include mascots??) Giveaways – stickers, etc
Recruitment Set the Hook Autograph sessions with local players, etc Let them play hockey Educate the parents about what’s next – in advance – re-enrolment discount.
Recruitment Other ideas?
Recruitment The easier you make it to sample the product ... The more enjoyable the experience... The more affordable you make it ...