Created by Mrs. Coliadis Second Grade Personal Narratives True Stories That Have Really Happened to You (At Least You Witnessed It) Created by Mrs. Coliadis Second Grade
Think…..Okay What do you already know about stories you have read or have written?
Learning Targets I can explain what a personal narrative is Big Idea: Writers share stories, information in different ways Writing Text Types & Purposes 2.3 I can explain what a personal narrative is I understand the elements of a personal narrative
What is a personal narrative? It is a TRUE story or experience that happened to the writer! It is about something important or memorable!
Elements of Personal Narratives Great beginning- Interesting, gets the reader’s attention It’s told in order: beginning middle end
Elements of a Personal Narrative Has lots of details Is written in FIRST person: I, me, my, mine, we, our Sometimes has talking (“dialogue”)
Example of a Personal Narrative The Horrible Day One morning I woke up and I was turned around on my bed. Then I fell off! I walked downstairs and I almost fell over my dog. Next I fell asleep in my cereal and my brother stole my toast! Houghton Mifflin Company (2012).
The Horrible Day (cont’d) Then I had to walk to school because our car ran out of gas. I was late for school, and I got stuck outside in the rain! Guess what? I really didn’t like this day at all. Houghton Mifflin Company (2012).
Writing Personal Narrative You write about something important or memorable YOU explain what happened to your audience: Tell what you did Tell what you saw Tell how you feel
Only One Event: Think of a Time When You Felt: Tickled Embarrassed Sad Angry Disappointed Proud Nervous Scared Donna Vincent, Muhlenberg County Schools
One Event (cont.) Impatient Irritated Miserable Helpful Smart Silly Injured Donna Vincent, Muhlenberg County Schools