Sites for New UC Berkeley Undergraduate Dorm Alex Bollinger and Eunice Fong LD ARCH C188 | Section 108 | December 4, 2014 1. Suitability Analysis Constraints Opportunities 2. Network Analysis Client, Goal, & Methods The University of California, Berkeley is looking to build a new campus dorm for undergraduates. We are tasked to find a site near the main campus that can accommodate 1,500 students. The university requires that the dorm be built on toxic-free land, away from landslide-prone areas, and away from areas with severe crime. In addition, they would like the dorm to be built on a soft slope on a southerly aspect, easily accessibly by public transportation and close to a hospital. In order to find an ideal location for this new dorm, we used a suitability analysis of the City of Berkeley to consider all of the university’s requirements. We used this in combination with a network analysis to find which areas were located within 20 minutes of walking. Based on these two analyses, we then used a TIN analysis to perform a slope analysis to choose our sites. Final Suitability Map 1 4 Use the Berkeley transportation network dataset and Suitability Analysis to determine which locations best fit commute time from dorm to campus border. Use the ‘Service Area’ function with the campus points loaded to facilities to produce a map of all areas that can be reached within 20 minutes of walking. 5 Select for walking times within 15 minutes. Use the polygon produced to clip the polygons from the Suitability Analysis and export. 2 Add a line shapefile around campus, with vertices at every entrance that connects to a street. 3 Convert the shapefile into vector points by using the tool ‘Feature Vertices to Points’. Conclusion Based on our suitability, network and TIN analysis, we have identified 5 of the best sites to locate a new undergraduate dorm. These sites meet all of the criteria stipulated by the university. 3. TIN Analysis 1 1 2 2 Gather and project data into State Plane California Zone III, clip to Berkeley boundary. Buffer toxic sites and severe crime, select for northerly aspect and landslide-prone areas. Gather and project data into State Plane California Zone III, clip to Berkeley boundary. Buffer for proximity to campus buildings, proximity to hospitals, proximity to bus stops, and southerly aspect. 3 Convert into shapefiles by using the ‘TIN to triangle’ function. 1 Project contour data from USGS into State Plane California Zone III and used the ‘Create TIN’ function to make digital terrain. 4 Use the shapefile from step 3 to clip the previous shapefile from Network Analysis. In pink are the polygons that best fit all factors. 3 2 Identify all areas with slopes less than 2 degrees. Assign weight of -1 to each layer. 3 Assign weight of -1 to each layer. Layer Constraint Toxic Sites Buffer of 500 feet around each site. Severe Crime Buffer of 500 feet around each incident. Landslides Identify all areas prone to landslides. Aspect Identified all areas with northerly aspect. Layer Opportunity Hospitals Buffer 1 mile radius Bus stops Buffer 100 yards. Main Campus Buffer 1 mile radius. Aspect Identified all areas with south, southwest, or southeast aspect. Data Sources Lab 7 Geodatabase: toxic sites, aspect, slope, landslides, crime, boundary, census block group Lab 10 Geodatabase: network analysis AC Transit: bus stops Alameda County: hospitals USGS: contour lines for Berkeley