Supported By
OBJECTIVES Facilitate the linkage between Corporate and Non-Governmental/ Not for Profit entities Serve as a platform for mobilisation of resources from donors to recipients to beneficiaries Promote Social Entrepreneurship Create awareness and connectivity in the social sector Donors: Develop accreditation; establish relevant policies for SI funding; help design specific activities in collaboration with NPO’s and target groups; ensure that activities are in line with the stated objectives of the donors; monitor the implementation of activities; timely submission of reports and completion of activities. NPO: Develop accreditation of NPOs; develop systems to ensure that they are able to access resources for activities; and establish systems for optimal monitoring and compliance. Beneficiaries: Ensure that the benefits eventually reach the beneficiaries; resources raised are for the needs of beneficiaries; look at ways in which the positive benefits received are sustainable.
PROCESS IIT/IIM Alumni NGO & NPO Organisations SEE will own the web portal which will serve as a platform on which corporates will highlight areas in the social sector they are interested in supporting. NGO & NPO NPO’s will use the same platform to showcase their work and activities for which they need additional resources Organisations SEE will play a key role in bringing corporates to this platform and facilitate their involvement in this initiative
Maintain a database of Funders , Organisations, NPOs and Recipients. SERVICES Maintain a database of Funders , Organisations, NPOs and Recipients. Develop a knowledge bank of best practices which will be shared with relevant stakeholders. Conduct workshops and seminars related to specific aspects of Social Funding/Initiatives/Sectors on a quarterly basis.
Rating system for donors and NPOs after on-site verification SERVICES contd.. Develop specific criteria for evaluation of Organisations and NPOs which would include on-site audits of the respective organizations Rating system for donors and NPOs after on-site verification Develop Organisation policies, provide long term support for the design, implementation and presentation of Social Impact activities along with their impact indicators Conduct geographic and sector wise research on gaps that need to be addressed and organizations working in the specific areas. Organisation signature programs will be designed based on this input which will be location specific and ensure employee engagement.
Develop criteria for the assessment of impact in different sectors. SERVICES contd... Facilitate tie-ups and formal agreements between Organisations and NPO’s. Monitor the implementation of projects by the NPOs and ensure that verified reports are submitted in a timely manner Strengthen systems within NPOs and Organisations for greater accountability Develop criteria for the assessment of impact in different sectors.
We are progressing 3rd Social Awareness Seminar and Networks being built Platform under Construction Start-up Master Class Bullet proof your start-up
L&L August 30, 2005