Water Pollution in NC.


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Presentation transcript:

Water Pollution in NC

Point Sources Pollution that enters the water from a known source Ex. Factories, septic tanks, wastewater treatments plant

Non-Point Source Pollution from sources that are hard to find or are scattered Ex. Runoff from farms, construction sites, or golf courses


Excess Nutrients Nitrogen and Phosphorus Excess nutrients come from sewage systems, septic tanks, fertilizer 80% of excess nutrients are caused by humans

Eutrophication Caused by high levels of nutrients in a lake/pond Excess nutrients causes algae to grow and die The bacteria decomposing the algae uses all the oxygen Kills fish Turns into a meadow

Hog Farms Hog population has increased More hogs = more waste SOME waste can be used for fertilizer, but the concern is how to get rid of the other waste?

Lagoons Large holes in the ground that are used to store and treat hog waste They may leak excess nutrients and harmful bacteria

Pfiesteria Fish become lethargic and develop sores on their bodies Caused by warm water and high nutrient levels