Single Ended Line Test with Upgraded ECFL 30 The purpose of this advanced test option is to upgrade the services of ECFL 30/ELC 30 test set with two important measuring modes: ■ Single End Loss Estimation up to 30 MHz ■ Automatic Single End Pair Qualification The upgrade provides an economic solution for ECFL 30/ELC 30 test set owners because the upgrade is obviously much cheaper than the price of a new instrument. In several cases the upgraded ECFL 30 is suitable to replace a new instrument. Single End Loss Estimation up to 30 MHz Automatic Single End Line Qualification To learn more click on the selected topic! ELEKTR NIKA
Single End Loss Estimation The loss estimation is based on the measurement of physical parameters of tested cable. The applied test method consists of two measurement groups: ■ Measurements with open loop ■ Measurements with closed loop The far end is automatically closed /open with the help of the remote controlled switch ELC 30 ■ Selectable Frequency Ranges: 1,5, 3, 9, 12, 18 and 30 MHz ELEKTR NIKA
Automatic Single End Line Test The upgraded ECFL 30 provides single end test sequences to estimate the data transfer capacity of the tested lines used for different VDSL, ADSL2, SHDSL etc. systems. During the test sequence ECFL 30 performs several DMM and transmissive tests like: DMM Tests: ■ AC, DC Voltage a-b, a-E, b-E ■ Insulation Resistance a-b, a-E, b-E ■Capacitance Cm, Ca-E, Cb-E ■ Loop Resistance ■Loop Length Transmissive Tests: ■ Loss Estimation ■ Noise Measurement at near end Estimation at far end ■ S/N Calculation at near end Estimation at far end ■ Data Transfer Speed Prediction Up & Down Stream ■ Bit allocation (b) For VDSL & ADSL Test Setup and Start Detailed Results ELEKTR NIKA
Test Setup and Start ELEKTR NIKA Having the START/STOP key pressed ECFL 30 starts the automatic test. When the test program is completed the short form result page appears providing immediate PASS/FAIL information The reason of failure is marked by asterisk ELEKTR NIKA
Detailed Results of VDSL and ADSL Qualification ELEKTR NIKA