April 2, 2018 Warm-Up Agenda Continue with your research and writing Continue researching using the data base working to answer the questions on your handout (number 3) Begin Writing your Introductory body paragraphs Show me Introductions and Body paragraph 1 today!
April 3, 2018 Warm-Up Agenda Continue with your research and writing Grade Introduction & Body Paragraph 1 Continue researching using the data base working to answer the questions on your handout (number 3) Work on Body Paragraphs 2 & 3
April 4, 2018 Warm-Up Agenda Get out your research folder Sign in to the computer Go to South Campus library page Padlet for help: www.padlet.com/depsree1/movieres earch Mini-lesson – how to format an MLA Research Paper Continue researching & writing Show me your Conclusion today Begin typing your final draft
April 5, 2018- Warm-Up Agenda DO NOT MOVE COMPUTER Sign in to computer Sign in to Easybib Mini-Lesson – how to cite your movie on Easybib Show me all colored papers Begin typing your final draft Your final draft is due tomorrow!
April 6, 2018 Final Drafts due today!! Agenda Warm-Up Final Drafts due today!! Mini-lesson on Easy Bib Export!! CHECKLIST Before you Print: All paragraphs are indented All Paragraphs have a topic sentence Italicize your movie title Remove contractions (can't, didn't, etc.) Remove any first or second person pronouns ( I, Me, My, You, We, Us, etc.) Sign in to computer Sign in to EasyBib Open up the Word Doc we created the other day DO NOT MOVE THE COMPUTERS DO NOT CLOSE THE COMPUTERS!!
April 6, 2018 Warm-Up Agenda On a sheet of paper that you can turn in, write about your experience with the research process. Did you enjoy the movie research project? What suggestions do you have for the assignment itself? Changes you would make to the assignment. What did you learn? What grade do you feel that you deserve for your project and why? Read a current event article from one of my magazines or from one of the following websites: CNN News ABC News MSNBC New York Times Fox News Complete the Current Events Outline on your own sheet of paper & turn in Share one thing you learned from your reading