Tenets of the Nature of Science Science is based on observation (based on your 5 sense) & inference (mini-conclusion or explanation based on your observations EX: A student is putting his or her head in their hands—observation. They are tired--inference
2. Science is creative (Reading about Gregor Mendel—Father of genetics). Mendel was able to take a complex situation and simplified it into rules. Creativity is involved in experimental design, interpreting results, choosing study organisms, communicating your results
3. Science is subject to change EX: Earth-centered to Heliocentric solar system EX: Pluto no longer classified as a planet EX: try not to use the word “prove,” use “supports” instead 4. Science influences society, and society influences science EX: Religious/societal beliefs influence acceptance of scientific ideas (natural selection, Heliocentric solar system, stem cell research, climate change)
5. Science is influenced by your perceptual framework (how you interpret scientific data & information is based on your education, experiences, etc.) EX: Optical illusions 6. Science is subjective and theory-laden (there are a lot of opposing theories & explanations) 7. There is no one scientific method (trial and error, change, model-building)
8. Theories do not become laws 8. Theories do not become laws *Theories and laws are at the top level of scientific understanding and acceptance. (Pretty much everyone in the field accepts them). *They could possibly change but it is NOT likely