Receiver Source Message Channel Receiver Linear Model
Source Channel Receiver Message Feedback Interactional Model
7 Elements of the Communication Process Source Message Channel Receiver Feedback Context Noise Formulates message Information/emotion Means to send Receives, interprets Response Setting Interference
Sender Formulates message Decides which channel to employ Can also be called: Encoder Speaker Writer, editor, reporter
Message Information and or emotion sender wishes to convey
Channel The means through which sender sends message. Only two human channels: Verbal—using words or language whether written or spoken Nonverbal—using means other than words or languages
Receiver Receives, interprets and responds to messages Can also be called: Decoder Audience Reader, viewer, subscriber
Feedback The response to a message is called feedback. ? Added the feedback loop in 19? No response is also a response.
Context The environment or setting in which a communication event occurs. Three dimensions: Where—physiological When—temporal Why—social-psychological
Noise Anything that interferes with the transmission of a message. Can be any of the 5 senses. Two basic types: External Internal Physiological Psychological
Noise Source Channel Receiver Message Context Feedback Model of the Communication Process
Six Types of Human Communication Intrapersonal Interpersonal Small Group Public Speaking Mass Mediated One person Two people Three to ? One to many One to one/group