Dr. Elizabeth Anthony FSTPi UTHM COMMUNICATION Dr. Elizabeth Anthony FSTPi UTHM alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION What is communication? alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION Latin word: “communis” Meaning: equal or similarity Any process: sharing information, ideas & feelings. alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION Is an active process and a changing event. Is the key to success. To live is to communicate. To communicate effectively is to enjoy life more fully. Is a two-way traffic & not a one-way process. alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION Involves: - spoken and written words (verbal & non- verbal) - body language (use of postures, gestures & facial expression) - personal mannerisms - style - physical environment use of hand, body, face, arm or head adds meaning to a message. alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION Is very important in our lives. We use it : - for persuasion - to improve relationships - to inform - to share - to discover & uncover information alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION: THE ELEMENTS WHO (sender) TO WHOM (receiver) WHAT IS SAID (message) WHAT CHANNEL (mode) THE EFFECT (feedback) alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION: THE FORMS Speech Written Symbols Gestures alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION: THE TYPES Intrapersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Communication to Group alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION: THE TYPES Intrapersonal Communication - Internal thought or language Example: day dreaming, thinking aloud, rehearsing, etc. alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION: THE TYPES Interpersonal Communication - Face-to-face spoken communication Example: meetings, telephone conversation, interview, etc. alice/fstpi/2011
COMMUNICATION: THE TYPES Communication to Group - One person to a group Example: speech, lecture, concert, paintings, novels, poems, etc. alice/fstpi/2011