Using Your Online Presence to Market Your Book Social Media Using Your Online Presence to Market Your Book
Social Media’s Role in Book Promotion
2 Words: Accessibility Engagement
Start Building Your Social Network Now Prior to Launch Start Building Your Social Network Now
Prior to Launch Start Building Your Social Network Now Create Special Pages for Your Book
Prior to Launch Start Building Your Social Network Now Create Special Pages for Your Book Research Key Bloggers & Tweeters
Prior to Launch Start Building Your Social Network Now Create Special Pages for Your Book Research Key Bloggers & Tweeters Logistics for Book Launch
Create a Video Book Trailer Closer to Launch Create a Video Book Trailer
Closer to Launch Create a Video Book Trailer Provide Books to Key Bloggers & Tweeters
Closer to Launch Create a Video Book Trailer Provide Books to Key Bloggers & Tweeters Update Facebook and Twitter regularly
Closer to Launch Create a Video Book Trailer Provide Books to Key Bloggers & Tweeters Update Facebook and Twitter regularly Create Contests for Book Giveaways
At Launch Promote Special Events (contests, book signings, giveaways)
At Launch Promote Special Events (contests, book signings, giveaways) Take Fun Videos of Special Events
2 Words: Accessibility and Engagement
Amazon Author Page
Take Advantage of Social Media Hooks
Goodreads Author Page (Lori Mortensen)
Take Advantage of Author Profile Capability
Social Media Platforms Additional Online Profiles Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Goodreads Pinterest Google Plus Additional Online Profiles Website/Blog Amazon Author Page Goodreads Author Page
Writers Who Wine (Sacramento) But Wait, There’s More... Blog Talk Radio Writers Who Wine (Sacramento)
Margaret Andrews Twitter: @nannygoats