Lebanon Middle School Band Handbook 2017-2018 Mission Statement The Lebanon Middle School Music Department strives to provide opportunities which will develop the talent in every student through their involvement in music study. Our goal is for students to acquire an understanding and appreciation of music as an integral part of the human experience
Classroom Expectations Respect your teacher and your fellow students Use only the equipment that belongs to you, or that has been assigned to you for your use Bring materials that you need to participate in class each day: instrument, music, pencil etc. Follow procedures that are given to you Band Grading Daily evaluation of rehearsal behaviors Targeted practice assignments Recorded or live playing tests Required ensemble performance (see list of concert dates for the performances for your group) Additional written work may be given and students may earn extra credit by attending a music performance
Facilities Instruments and music have designated places for storage. Locks are issued to all students to keep instruments secure. Locks must always be locked when the student is not in the band room. Any deliberate act or negligence which results in damage to the facility or the equipment will have serious consequences as outlined in the LMS student handbook. Individually owned instruments are not insured by the school against loss or damage. Many homeowners’ policies offer a rider for instruments Auditions While most band and choir activities are available to any interested student, some groups and activities require an advanced level of skill or specific instruments or voices. These groups and activities may be selected by the music staff by audition: Jazz Band Vivo Choir Variety Show Special Acts
Course Descriptions Cadet Band: Introductory instrumental music class, separated into Brass and Woodwind families. All beginning players will be enrolled in Cadet band. Varsity Band: Intermediate level class. Students enrolled in Varsity band have completed one year of instruction on a brass or woodwind instrument. Percussion Class: Students in Percussion class have had a year or more of instrumental music instruction. This class performs with both Cadet and Varsity bands in concerts. Concert Band: Advanced middle school band. Students have had at least two years of instrumental music. Jazz Band: Ensemble study of jazz styles and repertoire. Students must audition or receive director approval to participate.
Communication Mrs. Springer Phone 482-3400 ext 22600 E-mail springerb@leb.k12.in.us You may also check Skyward for grading information, Canvas, the LMS Bands Facebook page, or the music department link on the LCSC web site.
Required dress for performances and group pictures* Band Concert Dress Required dress for performances and group pictures* Cadet Band Plain white shirt, dark colored pants or skirt, dark socks or hose, dark dress shoes. Varsity Band Plain white shirt, dark colored pants or skirt, dark socks or hose, dark dress shoes, LMS music sweater vest. Concert Band Men Plain white shirt with collar, dark pants, socks, and dress shoes, LMS music tie and blazer Ladies Plain white shirt, dark pants or skirt, dark socks or hose, dark dress shoes, LMS music scarf and blazer *Dress for Variety Show will be chosen by students. Information will be sent home in advance.
Acknowledgment I have read, understood, and agree to abide by the policies stated in the Music Department handbook Student__________________________________________ Date ____________________________ We /I have read and understood the Music Department policies and agree to support our/my child in music study Parent ____________________________________________ Parent ____________________________________________ Date _________________________ *************************************************************************************** Parents, Every successful music department has a great group of parents like you who help to make everything run smoothly. What unique talents do you have to offer? Please check the list of activities below where you might like to be involved and when you are available. Thank you! ____Fall fund raiser ( Aug- Oct) Hours/Days Available _________________________________ ____Office/Clerical work ____Make phone calls ____Backstage supervision at performances ____Blazer mom/dad ____Chaperone fall dance (Oct) ____Host/ hostess for Café Concert (Jan) ____Chaperone field trips ____Other______________________________________________ ____ I’ll help where needed