Paradykes Primary School A Year in P5 Outline of P5 Learning Journey Aug-Dec Rights Respecting Schools focus – Aug/Sept Harvest Festival Parent/Carer Meetings Numeracy & maths will include number, time, fractions and patterns. Writing genres will include newspaper articles, character descriptions and persuasive. Topics will include natural disasters. country comparison and chemical reactions. Expressive Arts – A focus on art & design , looking at the work of famous artists for inspiration. Health Well Being (HWB) will include knowing the steps to take in an emergency situation. Outline of P5 Learning Journey Dec - Mar Scots Recitation Scotland Theme – Jan/Feb Book Month – Feb/March Film Night - Feb Numeracy & maths - – money, measurement and shape. Writing genres will include poetry and report writing. Topics will include Scottish inventors lakes & lochs and planet earth. Expressive Arts –dance & drama RME - Christianity HWB will include team games. Outline of P5 Learning Journey Mar -Jun Sports Day – tbc Celebration of Learning Evening P5 school outing Numeracy & maths.- expressions, data handling and probability Writing genres will include persuasive arguments and stories. Topics will include the Victorians and the human body. Expressive Arts - music RME - Hinduism HWB – food and health Paradykes Primary School Welcome to P5 Miss Nicola Thorburn, Class Teacher Mr Tim Wallace, Head Teacher Mrs Darryl Wilson, Depute Head Teacher Web : @ParadykesP
Positive Behaviour in P5 Learning and Teaching in P5 Learning and Teaching in P5 At Paradykes Primary School we aim to provide a broad education that meets the needs of all of our learners. All children will be supported and challenged, enabling them to develop skills to use across the curriculum at all levels for learning, life and work. They will develop the four capacities - to become confident individuals, effective contributors, successful learners and responsible citizens. By doing so, we aim to prepare our learners to take their place as adults in society. A number of active learning approaches are used, including : Whole class / group / individual teaching Co-operative group work Peer and self assessment “Think/pair/share” and “Talking Partners” Involvement in the Personal Learning Process The lessons will aim to be fun, practical and interactive. Some lessons will be delivered as discrete subjects while others will be taught through interdisciplinary themes. We will celebrate pupils’ achievements both in school and outwith school, through various means, in order to encourage children to be confident and to take pride in their efforts. In school : We always welcome parental/carer participation, whether through regular volunteering, accompanying us on trips/outdoor activities or, by supporting school events. At home : Here are some ideas which you may find useful to assist your child with their learning this session : Reading – Ask your child to discuss the content of the text and characters. Maths – Support your child by regularly checking their Learn Its We look forward to working with you and your child this session! Please contact us if you have any concerns via telephone (271 4650), by email ( or by making an appointment through the school office. Thank you. What does a P5 Pupil Need ? General School uniform Appropriate outdoor jacket Please remember to name all clothes and equipment. Gym Kit T-shirt Shorts/joggers Indoor gym shoes/trainers Gym bag Other Items Water bottle What does P5 Home Learning Look Like ? The following tasks are compulsory weekly tasks: Reading (at least twice weekly, due on a Monday and a Thursday). Basic Number facts(practise those that you can’t answer instantly). Maths task (weekly always given on a Tuesday and due on a Friday). Positive Behaviour in P5 In Primary 5 we aim to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust and responsibility. We celebrate those children who go Over and Above through certificates, praise notes home, invite to Hot Chocolate Friday and other rewards. As part of our Rights Respecting Schools focus, each class has created a charter which outlines individual and class rights, along with expectations for all children to be READY to Learn, RESPECTFUL to all and to keep everyone SAFE. Further information regarding our Climate for Learning (Positive Behaviour System) can be requested through the school office/website. How Can Parents/Carers Help?