The Bible: The Later Letters of Paul The New Testament and the Church Chapter D The Bible: The Later Letters of Paul
Chapter Summary The Bible: The Later Letters of Paul This chapter will explore Saint Paul’s later letters. Paul writes of the importance of being holy, unified, and persistent in the face of persecution and hardship, broadening our understanding of how we are made right with God. The later letters also share guidance with pastors of the early Church that was valuable to leaders of the time and remains helpful to all the faithful to this day.
“A Church Built to Last” (Ephesians 3:1–21) Paul works to implement God’s vision of salvation that is open to all, encouraging unity and love, even despite suffering. In the Letter to the Ephesians, Paul calls for unity by presenting the four Marks of the Church. ©CURAphotography/ Six letters in the New Testament are attributed to Saint Paul but likely were written later by people who admired him. Among these is the Letter to the Ephesians.
“A Church Built to Last” (Ephesians 3:1–21) Activity Who wrote books about Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? Who helped create and now runs Facebook? Who rewrote the baseball record books with seventy home runs in 1998? Who wrote the second book in the New Testament? What do these people have in common? What are the four Marks of the Church? ©Sukharevskyy Dmytro (nevodka)/
“A Church Built to Last” (Ephesians 3:1–21) Ephesians focuses on unity in the Church, especially emphasizing that Gentile (non-Jewish) Christians are one with Jewish Christians. Paul describes his role as enlightening all people about God’s plan of salvation in Christ. ©Riccardo Piccinini/
“All You Need Is Christ” (Colossians 2:4–23, 3:1–17) In the Letter to the Colossians, Paul keeps Christians focused when false teachers try to distract them from Christ. The Christians of Colossae were being told that worshiping Jesus is not enough. Other people were luring them into strange and extreme practices that separated them from loving Jesus. ©isak55/
“All You Need Is Christ” (Colossians 2:4–23, 3:1–17) Paul’s Letter to the Colossians tells them that Jesus is the source of their salvation. They don’t need anything more. Paul reminds them that it is Jesus that holds the Church together and helps us grow closer to God. Discussion Question What are some things in your life that distract you from Christ? ©conde/
“Be Prepared” (2 Thessalonians 3:6–15, Ephesians 6:10–20) Paul eases Christians’ worries about when Christ will come again while encouraging them not to become lazy in the Letter to the Ephesians and the Second Letter to the Thessalonians. Many early Christians were anxious and worried about when Christ will return. ©Ricardo Reitmeyer/
“Be Prepared” (2 Thessalonians 3:6–15, Ephesians 6:10–20) Paul encourages the Thessalonians and reminds them not to let their concerns become an excuse to be lazy in their work or spiritual practices. All Christians need to do their fair share for the good of the community and encourage others to do likewise. ©mangostock/ Discussion Question What are some ways you can serve your community?
“Good Pastors” (1 Timothy 4:6–16, 2 Timothy 4:1–8) Paul’s pastoral letters urge Timothy and all leaders to remain strong in their faith and to be bold in proclaiming the Good News. Paul encourages pastors to stay strong in the face of those who teach false beliefs. ©Creativa Images/
“Good Pastors” (1 Timothy 4:6–16, 2 Timothy 4:1–8) Pastors, and all Christians, need to exercise their spiritual gifts for the good of themselves and their flocks. Paul advises Timothy, and us, to be good examples through our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. Activity Read 1 Timothy 4:7–12. Why is Timothy advised to stay in good spiritual shape? How can Timothy prove himself? Is Paul’s advice outdated? Does it still make sense? Does this advice work just for young people, or for all people? ©Catherine Lane/