How to use Facebook Live to build your business
How to prepare for your LIVE Make sure you have a fully charged battery Connect to Wi-fi if possible Tell people in advance that you will be LIVE Send an email Run a Facebook Ad Text your Sphere Post on Social Media Turn your phone on Do not Disturb Stabilize your Camera
Think of a Great Headline! This one probably doesn’t get enough credit. When it comes to digital marketing, headlines are everything! If your headline isn’t interesting or doesn’t have that wow factor, no one is going to stay for your live stream. Furthermore, no one will click on the replay either. So make sure that your headline is catchy and focuses on what the viewer will gain from the Live Stream.
What can you Facebook Live? Behind the scenes! Sneak Peek of your new listing Personal Branding Showcase an Open House Feature a Neighborhood Live Q&A Session Report Breaking News Demo your website
What to say during LIVE Introduce yourself, 3 times at least. Once at the start, once in the middle and once at the end. You will have viewers that join mid stream Ask people to “Subscribe” to you, that way they get a notification every time you are LIVE Educate the viewers Engage the viewers, ASK QUESTIONS for them to answer Stay on for 15-20 Min if possible End with a Call to Action
What to do after your LIVE Download your Facebook Live broadcast Upload a higher quality of your broadcast Answer any un-answered questions Share on other aspects of social media (instagram, snapchat, youtube, etc…) Do it AGAIN AND AGAIN!