MCI patient distribution center responsibilities Marin General hospital MCI Activation may require a “Code Triage” and other internal hospital notifications MCI Alert/ Activation is received Initiate new MCI in ReddiNet Poll local hospitals for ED capacity Enter ambulance ID & patients’ triage category “Arrive” patients transported to MGH in ReddiNet Enter patient tracking info when available Turn up volume on “HOSP” radio Standby for initial radio report from field (“Med Com”) Confirm patient distribution for each ambulance Confirm that all patients have been transported ReddiNet “HOSP” Radio All radio communications for an MCI are on the “HOSP” talk group If Marin General is unable to perform its Patient Distribution Center role, contact Kaiser immediately. INITIAL patient distribution: 1-Immediate 1-Delayed 2-Minor “Medic 61 enroute with one Immediate patient to Novato Community. Novato do you copy?” “Med Com, MGH. Confirming all patients have now been transported?” NOTE: Radio reports from incoming ambulances should not be requested for MCIs.
MCI Receiving hospital responsibilities marin general Hospital MCI Alert/ Activation is received Respond to ReddiNet MCI poll for current ED capacity “Arrive” patients transported to MGH in ReddiNet Enter patient tracking info when available Turn up volume on “HOSP” radio Listen for initial radio report from field (“Med Com”) to MGH Confirm patient distribution when requested ReddiNet “HOSP” Radio All radio communications for an MCI are on the “HOSP” talk group MCI Activation may require a “Code Triage” and other internal hospital notifications INITIAL patient distribution: 1-Immediate 1-Delayed 2-Minor “Medic 51 enroute with one Immediate patient to MGH. MGH do you copy?” NOTE: Radio reports from incoming ambulances should not be requested for MCIs.
MCI Patient Distribution Center responsibilities Kaiser Permanente hospital MCI Activation may require a “Code Triage” and other internal hospital notifications MCI Alert/ Activation is received Initiate new MCI in ReddiNet Poll local hospitals for ED capacity Enter ambulance ID & patients’ triage category “Arrive” patients transported to MGH in ReddiNet Enter patient tracking info when available Turn up volume on “HOSP” radio Standby for initial radio report from field (“Med Com”) Confirm patient distribution for each ambulance Confirm that all patients have been transported ReddiNet “HOSP” Radio All radio communications for an MCI are on the “HOSP” talk group If Marin General is unable to perform its Patient Distribution Center role, Kaiser will be requested to do so. INITIAL patient distribution: 1-Immediate 1-Delayed 2-Minor “Medic 61 enroute with one Immediate patient to Novato Community. Novato do you copy?” “Med Com, Kaiser. Confirming all patients have now been transported?” NOTE: Radio reports from incoming ambulances should not be requested for MCIs.
MCI Receiving hospital responsibilities Kaiser Permanente Hospital MCI Alert/ Activation is received Respond to ReddiNet MCI poll for current ED capacity “Arrive” patients transported to KSR in ReddiNet Enter patient tracking info when available Turn up volume on “HOSP” radio Listen for initial radio report from field (“Med Com”) to MGH Confirm patient distribution when requested ReddiNet “HOSP” Radio All radio communications for an MCI are on the “HOSP” talk group MCI Activation may require a “Code Triage” and other internal hospital notifications INITIAL patient distribution: 1-Immediate 1-Delayed 2-Minor “Medic 51 enroute with one Immediate patient to Kaiser. Kaiser do you copy?” NOTE: Radio reports from incoming ambulances should not be requested for MCIs.
MCI Receiving hospital responsibilities Novato Community Hospital MCI Alert/ Activation is received Respond to ReddiNet MCI poll for current ED capacity “Arrive” patients transported to NCH in ReddiNet Enter patient tracking info when available Turn up volume on “HOSP” radio Listen for initial radio report from field (“Med Com”) to MGH Confirm patient distribution when requested ReddiNet “HOSP” Radio All radio communications for an MCI are on the “HOSP” talk group MCI Activation may require a “Code Triage” and other internal hospital notifications INITIAL patient distribution: 1-Immediate 1-Delayed 2-Minor “Medic 61 enroute with one Immediate patient to NCH. NCH do you copy?” NOTE: Radio reports from incoming ambulances should not be requested for MCIs.