Idaho National Laboratory Community College Partnerships Educating the STEM Workforce Idaho National Laboratory Community College Partnerships Anne Seifert Richard Holman
INL’s Position Today — Nationally One of 10 DOE multi- program labs U.S. lead lab for nuclear energy research, development and demonstration A major contributor in national and homeland security Regional contributor in clean energy technologies 2 2
Idaho National Laboratory Identity Research • Development • Demonstration • Deployment
Education Programs in Action at INL The Center for Advanced Energy Studies in integrating resources, capabilities and expertise by: The ATR National Scientific User Facility is: One of 10 DOE multi- program labs U.S. lead lab for nuclear energy research, development and demonstration A major contributor in national and homeland security Regional contributor in clean energy technologies Attracting people and ideas to nuclear R&D-university irradiation projects by: Executing energy research Conducting policy studies Helping fill the pipeline locally and nationally with quality scientists and engineers Expanding researcher to researcher collaborations Providing access to research facilities and equipment Enhancing student educational experiences through internships Partner Facilities DOE-Nuclear Energy University Program is enhancing educational programs and research that: INL STEM Internships are filling the workforce pipeline by: Advance the state of U.S. nuclear science and technology by: Improving the Nation's nuclear science and engineering infrastructure to prepare the nuclear industry for future expansion Executing research supporting the nuclear energy mission and programmatic needs Enhancing the quality of nuclear science and engineering education in the U.S. by attracting the best students through scholarships, fellowships and innovative research 4 4
Leading Change INL facilitates improvements in education and workforce development