Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (CER) Ms. Lew Biology
1. How many tourists are staying at this camp? What is your evidence?
2. When did they arrive: today or a few days ago?
3. How did they get here?
4. Is there a town nearby?
5. Where does the wind blow from: north or south?
6. What time of day is it?
7. Where did Alex go?
8. Who was on duty yesterday?
9. What date is it today?
Claim – evidence – reasoning (CER) Answers the question Short statement Evidence: Scientific data supporting your claim Observations, data, research Reasoning: Explanation connecting your evidence to the claim Shows why and how the data counts as evidence Why can’t I play this video game? Because. Claim: You can’t play this video game because (evidence) it’s rated Teen and you are only 6 years old. Reasoning: There is content that is too mature for 6 year olds to see, be exposed to.
This is how to make an argument or explanation convincing. Why? This is how to make an argument or explanation convincing. This is what scientists do “You have to see this.” (It’s hilarious and has to do with cats. You love watching cat videos.) Why? Just because. …
Writing makes You Think and formulate your thoughts.
Do cockroaches prefer light or dark environments?
ID the CER, which is stronger?
Evidence: Reasoning: Writing words to use According to our observations/data The data indicates The data suggests First, second, third… Reasoning: Since Because So Therefore
You try! (in your notebook) 1. Use one of the sentence starters below to make a claim: A) The greatest (choose one) football/basketball/baseball/soccer player is ___. _______. B) The best movie is __________________. C) The greatest musical artist (solo or group) is _____________. 2. Write down at least 2 pieces of evidence that support your claim. **DATA MUST BE ACCURATE! Not just your opinion. 3. Provide reasoning explaining how the evidence you chose supports your claim of the “best.” UNDERLINE with these colors CLAIM, EVIDENCE, REASONING Steph curry: 90% FT average over the last 4 years, which is higher than the average of most NBA players. 2-time MVP recipient, unanimous votes, indicating coaches’ see his talent/ability Dunked over Dwight Howard, which was awesome.