PCORI: Defining a Roadmap for Patient Engagement in Imaging CER PI: Ruth Carlos, MD Org: ECOG-ACRIN 3 Key Barriers to Patient Involvement Perceived lack of understanding of research methods Assumption that patient engagement limited to assessing protocol acceptability Few patients and patient advocates routinely participating in existing ECOG-ACRIN stakeholder activities and limited capacity to expand participation Objectives Host a research methods workshop for patients Develop a patient-informed framework for patient in studies from development to dissemination Assess feasibility of implementing framework using ongoing 3 research concepts and trials as proof of concept Increase the number and diversity of patients and patient advocates participating in the development, conduct and dissemination of imaging CER trials. Concept Development Implementation Data Analysis Dissemination Life cycle of Comparative Effectiveness Research in Imaging
PCORI: Defining a Roadmap for Patient Engagement in Imaging CER PI: Ruth Carlos, MD Org: ECOG-ACRIN Patient Participation Activities (Choice of activities) Participate in 1.5 day workshop on patient engagement and imaging CER Feb 24-25, 2017 in Reston , VA (Final date and location TBA) Attend a ½ day workshop on research methods with clinician-scientists and statisticians Participate in breakout sessions on how to engage patients during the different phases of a research study Brainstorm about increasing numbers in patient advocates in ECOG-ACRIN Participate in creation and drafting of best practices in patient engagement in imaging CER white paper Twice a month conference calls Participate in (drafting and) reviewing best practices for patient engagement in one of these areas of research: design/development, implementation, data analysis and dissemination Must have attended workshop Participate in panel on PCORI grant patient engagement activities update Spring 2017, May 4-6 Washington, DC; Fall 2017, October 26-28, Orlando, FL Serve as speaker or panel discussant Must be participating in best practices write-up ECOG-ACRIN will reimburse for time spent working on project and for any travel costs.