Industry Governance Group 18th November 2010 CER Update Industry Governance Group 18th November 2010
CER Update Retail Market Governance Budget controllers Consultation on disconnection costs Customer Protection and Empowerment in Deregulated market Market Information Competition Review Q3 has been published Consultation on Market Monitoring Going out to tender for annual Consumer Survey European Commission Report:
CER Update Smart Metering Presentation to follow Outstanding Actions Erroneous Transfers
Erroneous transfers 3 main reasons identified by suppliers for erroneous transfers: Incorrect MPRN Customer has had some contact with supplier/agent but has not consented to switch Husband/wife unaware that other had switched supplier Discussion at June 2010 IGG identified that the ‘objection process’ favours the gaining supplier.
Erroneous transfers CER conducted site visits in August: Overview of COS processes Demonstration of data validation/objections processes Findings: Not possible to identify any obvious flaws in supplier processes Data capture – possible be more specific in COP Lack of data from customer side
Erroneous transfers Proposed Solution? Amend objections process Review codes of practice Other suggestions?
2011 Timetable for IGG/SIG/HWG Tues 11th Jan Belfast Wed 23rd Feb Dublin Wed 6th April Wed 18th May Wed 29th June Wed 10th August Wed 21st Sept Wed 2nd Nov Tues 13th Dec