Prof. Devpriya Dey Spirit of Introduction to HRM Prof. Devpriya Dey Spirit of
2-24 Human Resource Management HRM: Human Resource Management refers to the management of an organization’s workforce or employees. It is responsible for attraction, selection, training, assessment and rewarding of employees while overseeing organizational leadership and culture and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. Spirit Of
2-24 Human Resource Management HRM is a part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. Its aim is to bring together and develop into an effective organization of the employees who make up enterprise and having regard for the wellbeing of the individual and working groups, to enable them to make their best contribution to its success. Spirit Of
Importance of HRM attract and retain talent 1-7 Importance of HRM attract and retain talent train people for challenging roles develop skills and competencies promote team spirit develop loyalty and commitment increase productivity and profits improve job satisfaction enhance standard of living generate employment opportunities Good HR Practices help Spirit Of
Spirit Of
IMPORTANCE To implement fair method of employing people in the organisation. To transform the knowledge, skills and abilities of the employees. To engage and retain employees who contribute continuously towards the organizational development. To establish such HR Policies in the organisation which makes the company as the best place to work. To maintain HR practices which will help the employees to ensure a work life balance Spirit Of
IMPORTANCE To ensure a culture of trust, mutual bonding and team spirit among the employees and among the departments To implement monetary and non- monetary rewards which will help in recognizing the employees To aim in overall development of employee through regular training, encouraging employees to participate in knowledge sharing seminars. To motivate the employees to work towards efficient utilization of their skills. Spirit Of
FUNCTIONS OF HRM Manpower Planning: It is a process of forecasting the future demand for and supply of the right type of people in the right number. Job Analysis: It is process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. The result of job analysis is job description and job specification. Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment is a process of stimulating the candidates to apply for jobs. Selection is a process of identifying the most eligible candidate for a particular job. Orientation and Placement : Orientation is a socializing the process by which the organisation seeks to make the employee comfortable at the workplace. Placement is about matching the requirements of the job with the qualification of the candidate. Spirit Of
FUNCTIONS OF HRM Training and Development: Training is imparting specific and necessary skills to an employee in order to perform a particular job/task at present; whereas development of an employee is all about giving opportunities to employees to acquire relevant knowledge to equip him/her towards the future job. Performance Appraisal and Job Evaluation: Performance Appraisal is the systematic evaluation of employees against the set standard of expected performance. Job Evaluation is a systematic technique to determine the worth of the job. It is rating a job and not an individual employee performing the job. Compensation and Benefits: It is a process of developing and operating a suitable wage and salary program as compared to the other players in the industry. Spirit Of
FUNCTIONS OF HRM Motivation and Communication: Motivation is the process of channeling an employee’s inner drive towards accomplishing the goals of an organisation. Communication is the process managing transparency in the ideas, information, orders, instructions and messages from management to the employees and vice versa. Welfare, Safety and Health Measures: The organisation implements various welfare, safety and health measures for the betterment, security and satisfaction of the employees. Some of the measures are workers compensation who are involved with accidents, maternity benefit, medical and sickness benefit, disablement and dependent benefit and retirement benefits such as provident fund, pension and gratuity. Healthy Industrial Relations: It is the relationship among the employer, trade union and the employee. The HR function strives to maintain a cordial and peaceful relationship between all the three parties. Spirit Of
Human Resource Positions Recruiters Rewards & Recognition Managers Employment/ Industrial Relations Specialist Human Resource Development Specialists Human Resource Specialties Training Specialists Job Analysts Compensation Managers Employee Welfare Officers Spirit Of
HRM: Scope HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Personnel aspect- manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, promotion, training and development, layoff, remuneration, incentives, productivity, etc. Welfare aspect- working conditions and amenities such as canteens, crèches, rest and lunch rooms, housing, transport, medical assistance, education, health and safety, recreation facilities, etc. Industrial relations aspect- union-management relations, joint consultation, collective bargaining, grievance and disciplinary procedures, settlement of disputes, etc. Spirit Of
Functions of HRM HRM Operative Functions Managerial functions: 1-9 Functions of HRM HRM Operative Functions Managerial functions: Procurement Job Analysis HR planning Recruitment Selection Placement Induction Internal mobility Development: Training Executive development Career planning Succession planning Human resources development strategies Motivation and Compensation: Job design Work scheduling Motivation Job evaluation Performance and potential appraisal Compensation administration Incentives benefits and services Maintenance: Health Safety Welfare Social security Emerging Issues: Personnel records Personnel audit Personnel research HR accounting HRIS Job stress Mentoring International HRM – Planning – Organizing – Directing – Controlling Integration: Grievances Discipline Teams and teamwork Collective bargaining Participation Trade unions Employers’ associations Industrial relations Spirit Of
Thank you Spirit of 1-9 Thank you Spirit of Spirit Of