Sunnyslope High Using EBSCO
Go to the SHS Website Click on Academics Media Center Destiny Online Catalog Student Resources – EBSCO EBSCO – Search All Databases Academic Search Premier
Searching Type in your search terms Click on Advanced Search Submit Click on Full Text Change date range-no more than 10 yrs old Click on Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals Submit
Selecting Sources Decide which articles you want to start with: Read the titles Read the abstracts Read the first page of the article Retrieve the MLA citation – copy and paste it into a Word doc.
Use the right “Tools” panel to “keep” the article and create your citation
When you create your citation, keep these things in mind: We are using MLA style – you have to scroll through the different formats to find it Once you do find it, copy and paste it on a word document. Save the word document in a place you will remember, and keep using it to paste all of your citations as you continue through this process. (If you forget to save the citations, you will have to go back and find the articles all over again … bummer)
There are lots of options to help you keep the article
I emailed my article to myself – this was in my inbox PDF attachment
Click on PDF full text to read the article
Remember to print it! You will be given points for having all your sources printed out on the source due date which comes up pretty soon on the calendar. Staple each article separately. You will turn in a hard copy of all your sources when you submit the project on the Final Due Date.
The End