DIME Plenary 2017-02-14 Thomas Burg –Statistics Austria KOMUSO ESSnet on quality of multiple sources statistics – progress report
Outline Structure and objectives of the ESSnet WP of SGA 1 Outlook to SGA 2
Objective of the ESSnet The ESSnet on quality of multisource statistics (KOMUSO) is one of the instruments implementing the ESS.VIP ADMIN (Administrative data sources). It has to fulfil the following objectives within a four year period: Take stock of the existing knowledge on quality assessment and reporting and review it critically in order to produce recommendations on the most suitable approaches; Develop new indicators for the quality of the output based on multiple sources; Produce a methodological framework for reporting on the quality of output; Produce indicators relating to the quality of frames themselves and the data whose production is supported by frames; Produce a methodological framework for assessing the quality of the frames used in social statistics; draft a proposal for minimum quality requirements for sampling frames for EU social statistics; Produce recommendations on updating the ESS Standard and the ESS Handbook for Quality Reports.
Structure and Timing of the ESSnet Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA): The objectives agreed in the FPA should be achieved during a four year period (08/2015 -208/2019) Specific Grant Agreement 1 (SGA 1) January 2016 - April 2017 (signed at the end of 2016 by all partners) Review of current practices and knowledge on input and output quality assessment Proposal of an input quality checklist Suitability tests for existing measures Review of existing practices concerning the evaluation of the quality of frames for social statistics Gap analysis and action plan concerning the quality framework for the sampling frames for social statistics Specific Grant Agreement 2 (SGA 3) SGA 2: Expected to be signed in first quarter of 2017 , Work shall start second quarter of 2017 and end mid 2018
Partners Coordinator
VIP.ADMIN – ESSnet KOMUSO 3. Quality measures for statistics using administrative data 3.1 Checklists for evaluating the quality of input data 3.2 Framework for the quality evaluation of statistical output based on multiple sources 3.3 Dissemination and implementation 5. Frames for social statistics 5.2 Methodology for the assessment of the quality of frames for social statistics
SGA 1 – Workpackages WP 1: Evaluating the quality of input data - Create checklists for evaluating the quality of input data WP 2: Methodology for the assessment of the quality of frames for social statistics - Produce guidelines for assessing frame quality for social statistics WP 3: Framework for the quality evaluation of statistical output based on multiple sources - Producing relevant measures for the quality of the output WP 4: Communication and dissemination WP 5: Project management
SGA 1 – Subtasks WP 1 WP 1: Evaluating the quality of input data Generation of a initial list with more than 500 indicators Participants of WP1 selected indicators for testing Broken down to six dimensions Quality (acc.,time., coh., comp.) Costs Use of administrative data 16 quantitative indicators Tests were carried out by 3 countries
SGA 1 – Subtasks WP 2 WP 2: Methodology for the assessment of the quality of frames for social statistics Literature review Comparative analysis Gap analysis Proposal of quality measures Development and test
SGA 1 – Subtasks WP 3 WP 3: Framework for the quality evaluation of statistical output based on multiple sources Critical review Suitability tests – Based on various “data configurations” Action plan and roadmap
SGA 1 – Work packages – Deliverables WP 1: Checklist for evaluating the quality of input data (task 3.1 of VIP.Admin) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/content/draft-final-report-wp1_en WP2: Draft Report Quality on measures and indicators of frames for social statistics (task 3.2 of VIP.Admin) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/system/files/201611- framequalitymeasureindicator.docx WP 3: Intermediate report on quality measures for statistical output based on multiple sources (task 5.2 of VIP.Admin) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/content/draft-report-wp3_en
SGA 1 – WP 4 Communication and Dissemination Workshop In order to validate the approach with the Member States that are not members of the consortium, the ESSnet organized a workshop. The Workshop on Quality of Multisource Statistics took place on 21-22 April 2016 in Budapest. National experiences related to the quality of administrative data and multisource statistics were presented. There was also an in-depth discussion of each of the work packages of the ESSnet . (Task 3.3 of VIP.Admin) https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cros/group-content/10034/book_en Information of the various relevant groups. Update of material in CROS portal regarding the forthcoming deliverables (Task 3.3. of VIP.Admin)
Outlook SGA 2 While in SGA 1 the main focus was laid in more explorative work (literature review, test concepts and scenarios, etc.. ) to create a fundament, SGA 2 shall focus on providing guidelines for integrating administrative data in statistical production. 5 WP are planned: WP 1:Guidelines on the quality of multisource statistics WP 2:Quality guidelines on the frames for social statistics WP 3:Quality measures and indicators WP 4:Communication WP 5:Management
Thank you for your attention! Thomas Burg Luxemburg 14.02.2017 thomas.burg@statistik.gv.at Thank you for your attention!