During December, 2008, 1191* staff took the survey. At that time DOC had 4,350 employees. This is a 27% response rate. DOCs research staff report that a good survey response rate is 10%. *Totals vary slightly from 1191 on some questions. 34% of DOC employees are female and 66% are male. This means 39% of the women in DOC completed the survey, compared to a 21% for men.
How much exercise do we need? (from FamilyDoctor.org) Talk to your doctor about how much exercise is right for you. A good goal for many people is to work up to exercising 4 to 6 times a week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. Remember, though, that exercise has so many health benefits that any amount is better than none.
There is no one definition of moderate drinking, but generally the term is used to describe a lower risk pattern of drinking. Drinking in moderation is defined as having no more than 1 drink per day for women and no more than 2 drinks per day for men. This definition is referring to the amount consumed on any single day and is not intended as an average over several days. How many drinks per day is considered moderate drinking according to Dietary Guidelines for Americans (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services)?
US averages: Yes- 21% No- 75% Sometimes- 4%
US averages: Yes- 3% No- 97% Sometimes- Not available
For information on programs through PEBB, heres the link: If you want to quit tobacco, you should know that your medical plan offers Free and Clear - a best-in-class tobacco cessation program - at no cost.
Research at the National Weight Control Registry has shown there are three vital behaviors for people who have lost at least 30 lbs and kept it off for a minimum of six years. What are the three? Medical supervision Exercise 3+ times/wk. Diet plan Personal Trainer Health Club Home exercise equip Eat breakfast Weigh self daily How would you rate your overall fitness?
Do you know your blood pressure level?
Do you know your cholesterol level?
Is your body mass index appropriate for your weight and height?
HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR BMI Your BMI estimates how much you should weigh, based on your height. Here are the steps to calculate it: Multiply your weight in pounds by 703 Divide that answer by your height in inches Divide that answer by your height in inches again For example, a man who weighs 170 pounds and is 70 inches (5 10) tall has a BMI of 24.4 Use this chart to see what category you fall into, and whether you need to be concerned about your weight. BMICATEGORY Below 18.5Underweight Healthy Overweight Obese Over 40Morbidly obese
HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR BMI Your BMI estimates how much you should weigh, based on your height. Here are the steps to calculate it: Multiply your weight in pounds by 703 Divide that answer by your height in inches Divide that answer by your height in inches again For example, a man who weighs 170 pounds and is 70 inches (5 10) tall has a BMI of 24.4 Use this chart to see what category you fall into, and whether you need to be concerned about your weight. BMICATEGORY Below 18.5Underweight Healthy Overweight Obese Over 40Morbidly obese Important notes: Body builders: Because muscle weighs more than fat, people who are unusually muscular may have a high BMI. Elderly: For the elderly it is often better to be between 25 and 27, rather than under 25. If you are older than 65, for example, a slightly higher BMI may help protect from osteoporosis. Children: While an alarming number of children are obese, do not use this BMI calculator for evaluating a child.
Do you eat a variety of healthy foods from the basic food groups every day?
Five Quick Tips for Healthy Eating: Source: Harvard School of Public Health 1.Start with exercise. 2. Focus on food, not grams. 3. Go with plants. (vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive and canola oil) 4. Cut way back on American staples. Red meat, refined grains, potatoes, sugary drinks, and salty snacks are part of American culture and also are really unhealthy. 5. Take a multivitamin. Taking a multivitamin can be a good nutrition insurance policy.
What is the greatest source of stress in your life?
Do you think you handle your stress in healthy ways?
In the past two years, has your stress at work increased?
Is the stress at your work site a safety and health hazard/problem?
Do you regularly engage in healthy activities to help reduce stress, i.e., walking, working out, WebMD Tips for Reducing Stress: 1.Keep a positive attitude. 2.Recognize there are events that you cannot control. 3.Be assertive instead of aggressive. 4.Use relaxation techniques. 5.Regularly exercise. 6.Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. 7.Get enough rest and sleep. 8.Know: Alcohol or drugs less stress. 9.Use social support. 10.Practice Time / Self management.
Have you written down your future financial goals? This section was listed as optional. Approximately 30 people chose not to complete this section. The total for the first question (gender) was The combined total responses for each of this questions is in the bottom right of the graphic. Total: 1162
Do you have a consistent budget each month? Total: 1159
Have you organized all your financial papers (bills, tax returns, statements, etc.)? Total: 1158
Do you put money into a savings account regularly? Total: 1157
Do you have enough money to contribute to an emergency fund? Total: 1152
Do you pay credit cards in full to avoid interest charges? Total: 1150
Do you avoid impulse purchases? Total: 1160
Do you know your current net worth (the value of your assets minus the liabilities you owe)? Total: 1148
Would you be interested in and take advantage of financial wellness courses and resources? Total: 1142
The Red columns below will show the combined totals of Important, Very Important and Most Important for each
Plans to use the survey: A baseline measure for each year to see if we improve as an agency. Guides the efforts of Employee Safety and Wellness Committees. Shows us where we need to improve. Other ideas?