Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism
Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism What is CANAPAT? It is a public non profit society , independent, founded in accordance to the Mexican law with its own economic resources . In this society the road carriers of passengers and tourism companies and the individuals are grouped together as well the bus stations, training centers ,mechanical workshops and parcel services. Background. CANAPAT was founded on September 28th, 1989. When the old National Chamber of Transportation and Communications, was shut down and where all the all different carrier companies ( trains, airplanes, cargo, etc) were grouped.
CANAPAT specific functions and objectives Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism CANAPAT specific functions and objectives To represent and to defend the general interests of the industry to federal, state and municipal agencies as well as intermediate entities and individuals. To collaborate and to be a consultative body of State for the design and implementation of policies, programs and tools that facilitate the expansion of the industry of road carriers of passengers and tourism. To manage and enter into agreements and conventions favorable to our affiliates with municipal, state and federal agencies, as well with intermediate agencies and individuals. To study and to analyze the problems of passengers bus companies, giving the authorities the actions aimed to modernization, coordination, promotion and development. To offer to our affiliates, services to improve their operation.
Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism Mission. To be the bus transportation chamber, dedicated to drive the development of this industry, representing and offering to all the members services of the highest quality, which allow them to improve their daily operation for the sake of the industry, the users and the society. Vision. To become the best bus transportation chamber, in order to affiliate to all the Mexican transportation companies, due to the benefits and services provided by the chamber which are exclusive benefits only available at CANAPAT.
State Representatives, each for every state in the country. Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism Structure. General Assembly in charge to rule and to take the most relevant decisions. National Managing Council: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Presidents, Councilors, voted and elected every year by the General Assembly. State Representatives, each for every state in the country. Task Forces. A members selection is done in order to include in these teams the best qualified people among the affiliates. Currently they are 16 task forces working on a variety of issues in the transportation business.
3.- Communication and Professional Development. 4.- Taxes. Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism Task Forces. 1.- Highways and toll 2.- Training. 3.- Communication and Professional Development. 4.- Taxes. 5.- Laws and regulations. 6.- Parcel services. 7.- Movies content and fees. 8.- Transportation service restructuring. 9.- National Defense Agency. 10.- Security. 11.- Road safety. 12.- Airports services 13.- Mechanics 14.- Bus stations 15.- Tourism 16.- North America free trade agreement and international transportation.
Agreements with Public Identities. Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism Agreements with Public Identities.
Their businesses generate 300 thousand direct jobs. Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism CANAPAT Figures. Their businesses generate 300 thousand direct jobs. Besides helping to create 800 thousand indirect jobs. We have more than 500 transportation and bus stations. we have more than 200 main central bus stations. It has more than 35 thousand transportation vehicles, mainly buses. The chamber has more than 600 different companies affiliated. Their affiliates cover 98% of the country transportation demand . This market sector sold 3,141 millions of travels/person in 2007. We count with 38 training and educational centers to train the bus drivers. To manage the “Expo Foro”, buses and technologies exhibit.
Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism MEXICO: MILLIONS OF PASSENGERS BY KIND OF CARRIER 98.21% MILLIONS OF PASSENGERS 2004 MILLIONS OF PASSENGERS 2005 MILLIONS OF PASSENGERS 2006 0.037% 0.009% 1.41% ROAD CARRIERS TRAIN SEA SHIP AIRPLANE
Politics: The non regulated transportation services. Cámara Nacional del Autotransporte de Pasaje y Turismo (CANAPAT) National Chamber of Road Carriers of Passengers and Tourism Issues and Challenges. Politics: The non regulated transportation services. Legal: Non regulated issues, rules and regulations in the federal transportation business. Technical: Lack of road infrastructure, road signs, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and urban infrastructure appropriate to the type of vehicles that exist in the country. Trade: Movement of light vehicles of illegal internment, opening of borders to imports of used buses. Operative: High costs of fuel, tolls spare parts, taxes, insurances, etc. Financing: Non existence of public policies for transportation leasing and financing, for instance; the buses renewal and bus stations remodeling.